
Perhaps the images are there for the same reason that the white letters are screened, the green dots are printed onto the glass surfaces of the Suva building, and the Kantonspital. While it is true that images etched onto the surface of the Eberswalde Library is not simi- lar to painted colors that clad walls, veneers and panels that dress any architectural surface for either aesthetic or technical reasons, it is also true that those images no longer hold similar rhetoric as they once did as individual photographs on the newspaper pages. At the Eberswalde Library, an articulated sur- face is made, yet it is an articulation that does not necessarily asked to be deciphered. The transformation of those newspaper pho- tographs perhaps blurs the line between the aesthetic, rhetoric, and technical reasons of architectural surface. It is a transformation of the public memory onto the building’s own identity. 

Kantonspital, Basel. Herzog & de Meuron. above Suva, Basel. Herzog & de Meuron. right Eberswalde Library, Herzog & de Meuron. top left Eberswalde Library detail. facing page

déchiffrée. La transformation de ces photos de journaux en murs semble rendre floue la frontière qui sépare les visées et considérations esthétiques, rhétoriques et techniques d’une surface architecturale. La mémoire collective se trouve à être transformée en devenant partie intégrante de l’édifice.

Tonkao Panin Born: France Registered Architect:Thailand

Currently working on a PhD. disserta- tion at the University of Pennsylvania.

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