
T he idea of transportability and transform- ability of space, furniture and building sys- tems have radical implications for the future of design discourse. Creating environments, objects or furniture that we can carry with us or can adapt and change to fit our different needs has inspired many innovative designers throughout the decades.The Personal Shelter and Transformable Table design investigations in the second year design studio, Ryerson Uni- versity, School of Interior Design, contribute to the debate about our contemporary cul- ture’s increasing desire to be mobile and flex - ible.

The idea of building where permanence is neither possible nor desirable opens concepts of transportability, transformability, flexibility and adaptability to a wide range of explo- rations. The success of such design investiga- tions rely on the sense of urgency, humor and wit in the conception, along with the sense of surprise created at each stage of transfor- mation. Concentrating on accessible materi- als and technology in creation of customized spaces and objects, these investigations also empower the individuals and provide numer- ous opportunities for them to actively gain control over their environment. Personal Transformations Filiz Klassen

Nomad Jacket/Blanket proposes a wearable jacket with a personal space bubble/blanket in its transformed posi- tion that offers a mental shelter and protection from the images of media. The padded jacket includes a hood that acts as an inflatable pillow and a sleeping bag/blanket that unwraps from the back. (By Danielle Leon, Rene Ng, Modesty St-John and Robert Walshaw)

Personal Shelter Project Here, students designed and fabricated a pro- totype that defined a personal space and a territory set in a context of their own choice. This design investigation expands the cross- disciplinary design imagination by combining strategies of building, clothing and furniture making. Involving research in architecture, inte- riors, furniture, industrial design and fashion, the design resolutions range in context from wearable, carryable and/or recyclable shelters address cultural issues in our urban or subur- ban landscapes. Transformations personnelles Transformations personnelles L’idée de la transportabilité et de la transformabilité de l’espace, des meubles et des systèmes d’immeubles a eu des répercussions radicales sur l’avenir du discours sur la

Projet sur l’abri personnel Dans le cadre de ce projet, les étudiants ont dû concevoir et fabriquer un prototype servant à définir un espace personnel et un territoire établi dans un contexte de leur choix. Cette recherche en conception vient élargir l’imagination interdisciplinaire en combinant

design de deuxième année à la School of Interior Design de l’Université Ryerson, viennent ajouter au débat sur le désir croissant de notre culture con- temporaine d’être mobile et flexible.

été inspirés par la création d’environnements, d’objets ou de meubles qui nous pouvons trimbaler avec nous, adapter ou modifier pour répondre à nos divers besoins. L’abri personnel et la table transformable, deux travaux de recherches en con- ception offerts dans le cadre du programme de studio de

conception. Au fil des décen - nies, nombreux sont les con- cepteurs innovateurs qui ont


O n S ite review

T ransformations

I ssue 7 2002

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