

I f any of you readers out there have a project of interest, or know of something worth looking at in your region, please let us know. Most of the articles in On|Site are a response to a call put out by the editor a few months before each issue. The next issue, 8, will be edited by Deborah Asche and Robert Barnstone. Issue 9 will be edited by Tonkao Panin and Juan Manuel Heredia. Their call for articles, due November 1, 2002 is below. As well as the articles and projects that fit directly into the theme of each issue, there are a number of other venues. Real Places is about where you live and what you see there. Letters is just that, a letter about what you are thinking these days. Over the Transom is work sent to us, on spec, by readers. Details shows some very nifty bit of building and how it is done. Articles are published in the language in which they are originally written. We then do a short precis for translation into either French or English. contact: editor@onsitereview.ca On the Surface What you see is what you get: What you get is not what you see. The question at hand explores the power of architectural surface to shape and reshape the identities of both architecture and place; how architecture as it appears in direct experience —be it in its ‘imme- diacy’ as a given texture or in its remoteness as an ‘image’— gives us references and clues to the work of architecture itself and of the larger social, cultural and natural framework of its location.This two- way movement towards an inner and outer horizon endows architec- tural surface with the capacity to generate meaning — or ideology — and locates it in the crucial juncture by which it seems capable of transcending its own superficiality in many possible directions. This inquiry into the depth of architectural Surface (Skin-Cover- ing-Dressing-Cladding) touches upon its visible and non-visible manifestations, i.e. upon its practical, material, constructional, and representational aspects. Addressing various examples and innova- tive ways of thinking and building architectural surface in contempo- rary practice, the proposed subjects may include but not be limited to issue 9: call for articles


introduction T om S trickland looks at the transformative role of architecture in the increasing complexity our culture.


real places T anner M erkely decides to be less stoical about Win- nipeg.


projects J ennifer W ise tells us about Critical Mass in the Pilkington Building. S herazad J amal describes her WTC 11:09:01 memory site. S am S mith takes permaculture to the ruins of a refugee camp in Macedonia. work in progress T albot S weetapple and T om S trickland in conversation about how a small firm does a large building. A ndrew K ing talks about getting a house through the hoops. observers T onkao P anin discusses surface transformations in Herzog + de Meuron. D eirdre H arris charts the transformation of a piece of the strip. S tephanie W hite looks at stadiums, sports and war. I lona H ay looks at the curvy work of Ushida Findlay in London and Mark West in Winnipeg. L isa D er watchs as a Ger is erected in Ulan Baator








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news from the schools T racey M actavish goes undercover in Halifax. F eliz K lassen sets a studio based on tents, tables and toggles.

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the relation between: Surface and Materials

Appropriation Weathering Transformation

details M arc D ufour builds a whole new world in the attic; B ianca L agueux writes about it.

Construction Production




Space Meaning — Cultural, Social, Economic send ideas now to Tonkao Panin tpanin@dolphin.upenn.edu all submissions due November 1 2002

back page bridges S tephanie W hite finds out about the Shylock Road over - pass on the Coquihalla.


T ransformations

O n S ite review


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