Schuelke Law - February 2024

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February 2024


“I encourage you to see January as a soft opening for the year and take a more comfortable energy into a February start.”

While most people start the year in January, for me, February is the start to my favorite time of the year. Let me explain. January is cold. I’m not a fan of cold weather. It’s miserable, and I can’t be outside as much as I like. It’s also a little hectic. Work-wise, people are out of the office a lot in December so there is stuff that carries over and gets put off until January. But February, that’s when things start heating up, both literally and figuratively. First, my son Ryan’s birthday is in February. This year is a particularly big one this year, as he’s turning 21. That’s obviously a massive milestone for a young adult.

baseball family. My son plays for Hawaii Pacific University, and his season actually starts on Feb. 1 this year. During February, you’ll find my family watching as many of his games as we can, whether in person or on the live-stream (even if his games often start at 10:00 or 11:00 p.m. Austin time). And when I’m not watching his games, I’ll also watch as many University of Texas games as I can as well. I’m a UT grad, and I follow all their sports, but baseball has a special place in my heart. My dad played baseball at UT, and some of my best memories of college were watching UT games at Disch-Falk field. February is also a big month this year for my daughter. My daughter is now getting her doctorate in physical therapy. In December, she finished up all of her classroom work, and she is left with two

clinicals, where she works in various PT clinics, before taking her final licensing exam. In February, she’ll be finishing up her clinical in California before moving to her final clinical back in Austin at the start of March. Weather-wise, February is also starting to heat up and launch us into March and Spring, another big time for us. Both my wife and my daughter have birthdays in March so we spend a fair time celebrating them. And of course, for people that like to be outside, March is probably the best time to be outside in Austin. For many folks, January is full of new beginnings and a time to look forward to. Resolutions are made and broken (unless you use the techniques discussed in our past newsletters), and folks look to new beginnings. But for me, it’s February that I really look forward to. I’ll encourage you to see January as a soft opening for the year and take a more comfortable energy into a February start.

February is also the launch of baseball season. As you probably know, we’re a

- Brooks Schuelke | 1

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Weatherman’s Forecast Flub Weather forecasts are often taken with a grain of salt, but not in the case of an Israeli woman who sued a weatherman for getting the forecast wrong. The weatherman predicted sunshine, but it rained, leading the woman to dress inappropriately and catch the flu. She sued for $1,000, citing missed work and medication expenses. Surprisingly, she won the lawsuit against the TV station, setting a precedent that weather predictions might be more legally binding than previously thought. The Victoria’s Secret Mishap A routine shopping trip to a Victoria’s Secret store turned perilous for a customer when a metal piece from a pair of panties she was trying on flew off, striking her in the eye. This incident resulted in a cut cornea, which required a topical steroid treatment. Her lawsuit against the lingerie giant highlighted the potential hazards that can arise from seemingly innocuous products. The case raised questions about product safety and the responsibilities of retailers to ensure their products are free from such defects. These lawsuits showcase the unexpected and often bizarre nature of legal disputes. They remind us that in the world of law, almost anything can become a case, no matter how outlandish it may seem.

Just because the law enforces order doesn’t mean all the cases that get tried aren’t a little silly. Let’s delve into the realm of legal oddities with three particularly strange lawsuits, each bizarre enough to make you wonder if reality is stranger than fiction. Subway’s Knife Sandwich Fiasco In a twist that sounds like a fast-food horror story, a man discovered a 7-inch serrated plastic knife baked into his Subway sandwich. This alarming find led him to file a whopping $1 million lawsuit against Subway. Beyond the shock of the knife, he claimed the sandwich caused him severe stomach aches due to food poisoning. The case was eventually settled, but it remains a reminder of the potential dangers lurking in everyday meals.

Smile and Don’t Run Out of Gas


Germany’s Run-Out-of-Gas Ban The idea of a highway where drivers can go as fast as they want is a reality on Germany’s Autobahn. But it comes with a peculiar (yet understandable) rule: No matter what you do, don’t run out of gas! Not only would it be a safety issue, but you’ll also face a hefty fine. So, fill up before heading out. Milan’s Smile Mandate In Milan, Italy, they take fashion seriously. Smiles are at the top of their list, too. An old, never-repealed city regulation from Austro-Hungarian times mandates that everyone must smile at all times, barring those attending funerals or spending time in a hospital. This unique law, originating from an idea by Luigi Fabio, is aimed at ensuring a cheerful public demeanor. So, when in Milan, keep smiling — it’s not just good manners, it’s the law! Egypt’s Belly Dancing Decree In Egypt, the art of belly dancing is a cultural treasure and also subject to gender-specific legislation. Here, men are prohibited from

Let’s embark on a journey around the globe to uncover some of the most unique laws on the books, from Arizona to Egypt. Protecting plants and birds, enforcing public cheerfulness, and preserving cultural dance traditions are among some of the examples of unique legislation we’ve uncovered. Arizona’s Cactus Custodians In Arizona, the local cactuses are not just plants; they’re legally protected entities. It behooves everyone to avoid harming these prickly residents, as you could face up to 25 years in prison. This law serves as a stern reminder to treat nature with respect. The bottom line to stay out of jail? Don’t cut the cactus. Period. Australia’s Homing Pigeon Heroes Down under, harming a homing pigeon isn’t just frowned upon; it’s illegal. These birds, known for their remarkable navigation skills, are protected by a law that imposes a fine of $250 for causing them harm. It’s a testament to Australia’s reverence for its avian inhabitants.

performing this traditional dance. This law highlights the unique cultural and historical significance of belly dancing in Egypt and the gender roles traditionally associated with this mesmerizing art form. These laws are a testament to the diverse nature of legal systems across the world. They remind us that the rule of law can sometimes be as varied as the cultures they represent.

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When you hear the word “conflict” in the context of kids, you might think of schoolyard bullies or having to ground your kid. However, children have their own disputes, ranging from toddler tussles over toys to digital duels between pre-teens. While they are undeniably challenging, conflicts provide kids the chance to learn life lessons. They encourage young minds to put on their detective hats, explore new perspectives, reevaluate old ideas, and even cement the bonds of friendship. Use the following strategies to equip your child with the superpower of conflict resolution. Teach Kids to Navigate Conflict A PARENT’S GUIDE TO PEACE

Empower Peacemakers Conflict resolution skills are the compass that guides kids through the maze of life’s disputes. Here’s a map to help your child navigate these tricky waters: • Pause and Reflect: Teach your child the art of taking a deep

breath and calming the storm within. Reacting in a frenzy of anger is like tossing gasoline on a fire.

• Speak Your Truth: Encourage your child to explain their side of the story in clear and simple words. Understanding each other’s viewpoints is key to conflict resolution. • Get Creative: Foster their inner Picasso of problem- solving. Encourage them to brainstorm solutions that cater to everyone’s wishes, like a culinary mastermind crafting the perfect dish. • Choose Respect: Teach your child the importance of treating others kindly, even when disagreements threaten to capsize the boat. These steps help kids patch up the current squabbles and cultivate emotional intelligence — a shield against future conflicts and a bridge to tolerance. Foster ‘fun’ conflict-resolution experiences in the home. Parents wield the magic wand in conflict resolution play. Organize family activities that mimic real-life conflict scenarios, like board games with rules that spark disagreements. These friendly bouts teach your child the art of keeping their cool under pressure. And don’t forget about the power of make- believe! Encourage your child to stage a conflict resolution drama. It’s not just fun; it’s a crash course in diplomacy. Remember, every successful conflict your child conquers will give them confidence. By imparting these skills early on, you gift them tools for a lifetime of harmonious interactions, both personally and professionally. So, let’s embark on this valuable conflict resolution journey together — the world will be a better place.



• 1 package frozen puff pastry, defrosted • 1 cup heavy cream

• 1 tsp powdered sugar • 1/2 cup fresh raspberries (or berries of your choice)

Directions 1. Preheat oven to 400 F. Unfold the puff pastry and use a heart- shaped cookie cutter to cut into heart shapes. 2. On a baking sheet, place puff pastry hearts and bake for 10–12 minutes or until golden brown. 3. In a standing mixer, whip the cream on medium-high speed for 2–3 minutes. Add the powdered sugar and beat on high for 30 more seconds or until thick and fluffy. 4. Remove hearts from the oven and allow to cool completely. Slice each heart in half between pastry layers to create 2 hearts. Top the bottom half with whipped cream and berries, and place the other half on top to form a sandwich. | 3

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3011 N. Lamar Blvd., Ste. 200 Austin, TX 78705


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Why My Family and I Start the Year in February

Bizarre Legal Battles

Unique Laws Around the World

Puff Pastry Berry Hearts


Teach Kids to Resolve Their Own Arguments!

Seeds, Science, and Surprises in Medicine



From ancient times, human ingenuity has been pivotal in unraveling medical mysteries, and pregnancy testing is a particularly fascinating example. In Egypt, around 1350 BCE, pregnancy testing blended mysticism and early science. Women would urinate on wheat

and barley seeds, an intriguing method that modern research has shown to be surprisingly accurate, with a 70% success rate. If barley grew, it indicated a male child; wheat signified a female. Across different cultures, unique approaches emerged. The Greeks, influenced by Hippocrates, developed diagnostic theories based on the four bodily humors. In India, ancient Ayurvedic texts detailed pulse examination techniques for various conditions, including pregnancy, showcasing remarkable observational abilities and a deep understanding of the human body. The Middle Ages saw a curious amalgamation of superstition and the beginnings of scientific inquiry. “Piss prophets” examined urine for its color and clarity, practices that were precursors to today’s urinalysis.

A significant advancement came in the 20th century with the discovery of the hormone hCG. This breakthrough led to the first reliable home pregnancy tests in the 1960s, marking a dramatic shift from rudimentary ancient methods and offering greater accuracy and privacy. This journey from ancient seed tests to sophisticated modern diagnostics illustrates the evolution in our understanding of the human body. Those early tests laid the groundwork for the reliable techniques we use today, inspiring us to continue improving our medical knowledge and practices.

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