
10A — June 10 - 23, 2016 — Financial Digest — Creative Financing — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


C reative F inancing

By Robert Young, Principal Commercial Capital Group Alternative financing for turn around properties


here is much glitz and glamour in reading about the many large

small business and investor that are the engine to keeping us moving forward.

market, to reap the signifi- cant rewards of making im- provements and leasing it to

or renovation. Most bridge lenders look to the asset type, location and sponsor when basing their decision, as op- posed to cash flow analysis. The exit strategy is of great importance and the lender’s comfortability that the spon- sor can fulfill their plans to eventually pay off the note. These loans are typically a more expensive source of capital due to taking on riskier projects. Loan size often starts at $1MM with 1-3-year interest only terms and average rates ranging from 8%-12% plus 2-5 points. Upon stabilization of the

property, a borrower can then secure lower rate traditional financing. Stated Income Loans: These are loans that typi- cally don’t require analysis of prior financial statements or tax history. Rather, these loans require documentation such as bank statements or other financial records that show household income and cash flow. There are also lenders that rely mainly on the asset for security and the sponsors credit history to gain approval, often with more leniency than conventional banks. This is a nice option for entrepreneurs looking to enter real estate investment or those with a less than pris- tine credit record. These loans amounts can generally start as low as $250M and go up to $5MM. The benefit is that while it may be a slightly higher in- terest rate, it is structured like a conventional loan. There are 30 year fully am- ortizing options with fixed rate periods available. Pre- payment penalties mirror the fixed rate allowing for the loan to be refinanced in several years. Seller Financing: De- pending on the loan-to-value a lender is willing to pro- vide for a purchase and the amount of equity a sponsor has to inject, there may some- times be a gap that needs to be filled in order for the transaction to work. This is where seller financing can be very useful. The seller may accommo- date such a request since they are getting a large sum of money up front and also have the ability to earn interest on the seller note over a period of years. Many times this becomes a win-win situation for both parties. Every real estate situation is unique and all options should be considered when making a purchase. The cost of capital for the project is thus all relative to the expect- ed return on investment. If the final result is significant cash flow on a newly leased build- ing or substantial increases in asset value; the ability to secure the financing up front is an important contributor to achieving these results. Robert Young is Owner/ CEO of Principal Commer- cial Capital Group. n

real estate transactions t h a t t a k e place each month. The story about the $50MM apar tment building or $100MM of-

“Every real estate situation is unique and all options should be considered when making a purchase. The cost of capital for the project is thus all relative to the expected return on investment.”

There is a strong lending market currently for perform- ing assets such as multifam- ily, office and retail; but what about the opportunity to take advantage of a turnaround situation? What about the chance to take over a poorly managed property in a hot

new tenants at higher rental rates? What options are avail- able to make this goal a real- ity? I’d like to highlight a few: Bridge Financing: This is short term, collateral based financing that allows a bor- rower to gain access to money needed for purchase and/

Robert Young

fice complex. These transac- tions are taking place at the elite levels of the economy, with well-seasoned borrow- ers and investors. Like the economy however, it is the

Accounts Receivable Financing

Franchise Financing

Equipment Leasing

Commercial Real Estate Loans

Consumer Financing

Bridge Loans

Healthcare Financing

Give us a call to discuss your financing request. (866) 305-7405 | PrincipalCCG.com

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