
16A — June 10 - 23, 2016 — Financial Digest — Creative Financing — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


C reative F inancing

Over 20 years experience making real estate secured loans Singer Financial Corp. makes hard money easy


City Philadelphia since 1995. Singer Financial Corp. is a direct portfolio lender with our own pool of capital available to lend. This provides us with a great degree of flexibility to meet our borrowers’ business needs. We offer our borrowers very fast loan approvals, gen- erally in less than 48 hours. We also offer our borrowers fast settlement with the abil- ity to close on a loan in as little as 5 business days from approval, but have closed on mortgages in less 48 hours. We make loans for a wide variety of business purposes including commercial debt

consolidation, commercial re- financing and loan workouts, payment of delinquent taxes or other liens, working capital, property improvement or pur- chase, owner occupied busi- ness properties, and unique and creative business deals the mega banks won’t finance. At Singer Financial Corp, you will find a lender that is will- ing to think “outside-the box”, and consider loans that other lenders will not consider. We offer flexible terms de- signed to meet our borrowers’ needs. Singer Financial Cor- poration will make loans for as little as $50,000.00 and as

much as $1,000,000.00. We are proud to be able to offer inter- est rates as low as 11%, and loan terms for up to 5 years with NO pre-payment penal- ties. We can help you “unlock” the value of your commercial property, and make it work for you. We are able to offer our borrowers an LTV to up to 60% of the value of the real estate offered as collateral for the loan. We see continue to see in- creased reluctance by large federally-regulated commer- cial lenders to make loans and continue banking rela- tionships with small business

who do not squarely fit within regulatory criteria for govern- ment insured business loans. Increased banking regulation, highly aggressive regulatory enforcement and bank con- solidation continue to further limit access to capital for small business in a growing number of business sectors. Many of these businesses have real estate and other assets that make them strong candidates for private real estate secured business loans. This presents a myriad of lending opportuni- ties for a small direct-portfolio lender like Singer Financial Corp. who is willing to provide the financing that small busi- ness needs, when needed. Singer Financial Corp. has a long and successful history of funding loans brought to us by business and other profes- sionals. We recognize that developing and maintaining partnerships with commercial loan brokers, attorneys, ac- countants, investors and other lending professionals is a key component to our mutual busi- ness success. We welcome you to con- tact us today at 215-893- 9722 or 1-800-SINGER-6. n Vanguard hires Rollings as chief financial officer VALLEY FORGE, PA — Vanguard announced that Michael Rollings will join the $3.5 trillion investment management firm next month as chief financial officer and head of its Finance Division. Rollings most recently served as executive vice president and chief financial officer of Mass- Mutual Financial Group . Rollings, 52, will assume leadership of Vanguard’s Fi- nance Division from manag- ing director Glenn Reed , 63, who will remain a member of the firm’s 11-person senior leadership team and head Vanguard’s Strategy Division. Rollings will be responsible for all of Vanguard’s finance functions, including middle- office investment operations, investment product account- ing and administration, and internal audit. After starting his career in banking in New York City, Rollings joinedMassMutual in 2001 to lead the firm’s Capital Markets division, and was named executive vice presi- dent and CFO in 2006. n

inger Financial Corp. is a private financial institution with over 20

years of expe- rience mak- ing real es- tate secured commercial a n d b u s i - ness l oans in Pennsyl- vania, New Jersey and

Paul Singer

Delaware. The Company is owned by Paul Singer who founded Singer Financial Corp. in 1992, and we have been located in the Ritten- house Square area of Center

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