10C — June 10 - 23, 2016 — Central Pennsylvania — M id A tlantic
Real Estate Journal
C entral PA
By Tricia J. Sadd, Esq., Montgomery McCracken Walker & Rhoads LLP Campbell Commercial Real Estate sells 7,600 s/f flex building in Turnpike Industrial Park
M IDDLETOWN, PA — MadCar Prop- e r t i e s , LLC has
building automation systems for HVAC, lighting and ac- cess. Conexus provides en-
ergy reduc- ing technol- ogy for school d i s t r i c t s , colleges and universities, h o s p i t a l s , m u s e u m s , commercial b u i l d i n g s and on federal
pu r c h a s e d t h e 7 , 6 8 0 s / f b u i l d - ing at 2700 T u r n p i k e I ndu s t r i a l Park, Low- er Swatara Town s h i p , Middletown.
Art Campbell
Jessica Gasper
The property will be home to Conexus, Inc. and Mixed Up Productions. Conexus, Inc., founded in 2005, is an integrator of
military bases. Conexus’ staff includes energy managers, project managers, engineers, technicians and a service de-
2700 Turnpike Industrial Park
partment. Mixed Up Productions, founded in 2007, is Central PA’s most experienced DJ company that focuses on wed- ding and corporate events. Mixed-Up Productions pro- vides experienced Djs, state of the art lighting displays and instant memory making photo booths. Mixed-Up Productions is also available for any audio, video and staging needs at mixedupproductions.com. Art Campbell and Jessica Gasper of Campbell Com- mercial Real Estate, Inc. represented both parties in the transaction. n High Construction to provide general contracting services for Hershey Court- yard by Marriott HERSHEY, PA — High Construction Company was awarded a $9 million contract to provide general contracting services for the new Courtyard by Marriott hotel to be located at 515 East Chocolate Ave., Hershey. The new hotel will feature four stories, 120 guest rooms, and will total 70,000 s/f. High Construction mobilized on site this month; and construction will wrap up in the spring of 2017. Owned by Bears Creek Her- shey Hotel, LLC, the hotel is a joint venture between Shaner Hotels and Chafia Capital Part- ners. Shaner Hotel Holdings, LP will manage the hotel. Baskervill, headquartered in Richmond, VA, is the ar- chitect, interior designer, and MEP engineering firm of record for this project. High Construction Company provides design-build, general contracting, and construction management services. n
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