A Journey with Century City


5 ha Park area

7 000m 2 Lawn area 1.7 ha Water body 1.5 ha Planted area 6 Bridges 350 Trees retained 400 New trees planted 50 000 New shrubs planted 32 000 New plants planted 21 000 New aquatic plants

A new park for all

Ratanga Park is Century City’s new green open space that is open to the public free of charge. Ratanga Park was created by moving a total of 75 000m3 earth, a water body that covers approximately 1.64ha. Water features, winding walking paths, points of interest and a children’s play area have been created amongst lush landscaping. The large water body, that is home to several waterbirds, is connected to the canals that flow through the precinct, making it possible to canoe from the one end of the precinct to the other.

The strategy was to create a green public space that would bring the following benefits to Century City and its stakeholders: • Supplement the free recreational areas in the precinct for everyone to enjoy. • Add another large events area in addition to Central Park. • The water body would connect to the rest of the canals, extending the distance and area for water sports and the Intaka Island boats. For instance, we could add canoe polo to our annual Sports Festival as a sporting code.

• Small islands in the water body attracts birdlife, adding a secondary habitat to Intaka Island for some bird species. • Form the soft landscaping for developments that would be constructed on the perimeter of Ratanga Park. This would enhance the living experience for everyone living in, working in, and visiting the area.

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