All aboard the Century City Tramway! Many will recall the Ratanga Junction train, “Temperance Flyer”, that delighted young and old for many years in the theme park. After the closure of Ratanga Junction, the train was a favourite at the Central Park Natural Goods Market and other special events. The train, having run for many years, required a much needed refurbishment and pending this, was safely stored in the Subway. It was during this time that Andries Keyser, engineer by trade and owner and operator of the Winelands Light Railway introduced the concept of a custom-built tram for Century City. Not only was it built from scratch, but it was tailor made for the existing 2.4 gauge railway track, that runs, with a loop at each end, from Ratanga Park to Central Park. The Century City tram car is styled to look like something out of the history books. Everything from the massive headlight to the flip over benches was fabricated in the workshop by two of South Africa’s best known model train builders. It is most definitely not just another amusement park ride, this is artisan-built entertainment!
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