King's Business - 1951-07


H “ ¿ B i b l e anibooh Size 4Jix6HxlH An ABBREVIATED BIBLE COMMENTARY: with notes on every book in the Bible, Archaeological Discoveries, How We Got the Bible, and an Epitome of Church History. There is nothing published, of its size, that has anything like as much practical Bible information Book OF a Lifetime...FOR a Lifetime Loved alike by Young and Old Especially valuable for S S Teachers and Bible Students Widely used in Colleges and Seminaries Highly commended by leading Magazines and Ministers (Full particulars sent on request) 764 pages. Cloth Binding. Only $2.00. Order from your Bookstore, or H. H. H A L L E Y , B o x 7 7 4 . C h icag o 9 0 , Illin o is 19 th Edition . 150 Photos and Maps.


The Strongest, handiest fold­ ing table made. For banquet, church and school use. Write for descriptive folder. * M I T C H E L L M F G . C O M P A N Y 2748 S. 34th St., Milwaukee 7, Wis.

“ " ¿ » G O W N S tine materials, beautiful work, pleasing low prices. Catalog and samples on request. State your needs and name of church. DeMoulin Bros. & Co. 1126 So. 4th St., Greenville, 111.

Assure Richer Life for Others With Financial Security for Yourself

YOU-yes, you—can help make this world a better place to live in by facilitating the world-wide distribution of the Bible—and at the same time make your own future more secure by purchas­ ing an American Bible Society Annuity Agreement. In this way, you not only re­ ceive the peace of mind which comes from a generous lifetime

income, you also enjoy the un­ told satisfaction of knowing that your money goes to spread the Word of God wherever needed. Investigate this Christian Plan wh ich gives you SAFETY , SECURITY, SAVINGS in in­ come tax, and supreme SATIS­ FACTION all at the same time. Write today for the interesting booklet, “ A Gift That Lives.”

"JOHN DEWEY'S EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY has done more harm to Am erican young people than even John Bar­ leycorn,” says a public school teacher of years of experience. Are you equipped to refute the fallacies of this subtle atheistic influence? Read Dr. Buswell’s book ex­ posingDeweyism. Give copies to your friends, especially the teachers of your children. Order direct from the author - T H E PHILOSOPHIES OF F. R. TENNANT and JOHN DEWEY, over fiv e hundred pages, $6.00, postage prepaid if cash accompanies order. J. OLIVER BUSWELL, Jr. President S h e lton (CoUecjc 340 W est 55 t h S treet N ew Y ork 19, N. Y.

M A I L T H I S C O U P O N T O D A Y W I T H O U T F A I L ! I--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A M E R IC A N BIBLE SOC IETY 450 Park Avenue, New York 22, N. Y. Please send me, without obligation, your booklet KB35 entitled “A Gift That Lives.” Name ............................................................................. ..................................................... Address .................................................................................... .......... .................... . City ................................................................................................... Zone .......................... State.

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