King's Business - 1951-07

GET A BIBLE EDUCATION Daytime and Evening Schools Master Bible, Bible Collegiate, Major Music. Write for Catalogue Greensburg Bible Institute Oakland Avenue Greensburg, Pa.

Pointers on the Lesson H omer A . K ent , T h .D.

Helps for the Children A llison A rrowood

Lesson material is based, upon out­ lines of the International Sunday School Lessons copyrighted by the International Council of Religious Education; used by permission.

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August 5, 1951 CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES IN EARNING A LIVING Luke 12:13-21; 2 Thess. 3:7-10 Pointers on the Lesson

that there might be some use for his riches other than storing it into barns. He never thought of the poor and needy, the widows and the orphans. He decided to hoard it all for himself (v. 18). Third, he forgot the needs of his own soul. He projected himself into the future when his barns would all be full and his work done, and imagined that all would be well. He thought he would then be satis­ fied. He did not realize that man cannot live by bread alone. Man’s soul will fam­ ish on material things. The great Au­ gustine expressed a great truth when he said in his Confessions, “ Thou hast made me for Thyself, and my soul is restless until it rests in Thee.” Only so can there be true satisfaction. Finally, this man forgot death. The brevity of human life never seems to have entered his mind. He acted as though he ex­ pected to remain upon earth forever. Then God interrupted his plans and said, “ Thou fool, this night shall thy soul be required of thee” (v. 20). This man was a fool in the sense that he persisted in living without God. He was no idiot or moron. He simply chose to live without God. He lived un­ wisely in the worst sense. That is the meaning of the word fool as used in this passage. He was a fool in the sense that multitudes of others are fools today. Anybody who chooses to crowd God out of his life is a fool in the sense of this parable. The Principle With Respect to Work 2 Thess. 3:7-10 The principle herein enunciated is that everybody ought to put forth sufficient effort to earn a living. No one ought to be a parasite on society. Christians ought to set a good example in this respect. The Apostle Paul and his asso­ ciates were good models to follow in

Christianity has to do with the com­ mon everyday practical affairs of life. It is concerned with what we do with our money and how we put forth an effort to make a living. This week’s lesson is concerned with man’s attitude toward money and work. There is a place for both in the Christian life. It is up to the Christian to put each of them in their proper place. The lesson opens by presenting the inopportune intrusion of a man upon the solemn ministries of our Lord. This man was self-seeking. He appears to be fearful lest his brother will not be fair with him in the matter of dividing an inheritance. The Lord takes this oppor­ tunity to give a lesson on covetousness. He sets forth the principle that “ a man’s life consisteth not in the things which he possesseth” (v. 15). In other words, getting money or material things should not be the goal of any man’s life. Our Lord uses a parable to illustrate His point. The Mistakes of a Successful The man of the parable was success­ ful at the business of farming. There was nothing wrong with that. The only trouble was that he became so absorbed with the passion of getting wealth that he forgot the things which are most worth-while. We discover that he forgot at least four things. First, he forgot God. As you read the parable you see that he had no concern for God at all. He constantly was thinking of himself. “ He thought within himself” (v. 17) and talked about “my fruits . . . my barns . . . my goods” (vv. 17,18). Note what a bad case of “ I” trouble he had! Sec­ ond, he forgot the needs, of his jfellow- men. It never seemed to occur to him Business Man Luke 12:16-21


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