King's Business - 1951-07

heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.” There are two ways to do each bit of work that you may have to do— the best way, and the other way—“to just get by.” When Mother asks you to dry the dishes, do you just dry a tiny place in the middle and hope that she will never notice it, or do you dry each dish just as well as you would if she were standing right by you- watching you work? When you “ baby-sit” for someone, do you do just as little as you can to earn your money, or do you do a few extra things that wouldn’t really be necessary for you to do? Do you just smooth over the top cover on your bed, or do you smooth your sheet and the covers next to it, as well? Paul in another verse says, “What­ soever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus.” If the Lord Jesus were in your home and asked you to do something for Him, you would work hard to do it in the very best possible way, wouldn’t you? Read the memory verse and this other verse by Paul again. If you love the Lord Jesus and have received Him as your Saviour, you will do each bit of your work just as though you were doing it for Him! Try doing your work in this way during this week, and see what a difference it makes. Doubtless your parents and any for whom you may work will notice a real difference for you will be doing it “heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.” August 12, 1951 THE CHRISTIAN'S USE OF MONEY AND GOODS As in the parable of the ten virgins which immediately precedes the one be­ fore us, the latter has two leading in­ terpretations. One says that it has to do with professing Christians in this Age of Grace. The other says that it relates to Israel during the Tribulation. The writer believes the latter of the two viewpoints is the correct one since the Lord was talking to His disciples about the Lord’s coming in power, and the consummation of the Jewish Age. But whichever interpretation is taken, there is very practical truth to be learned. Every believer has gifts (1 Cor. 12; Eph. 4 ), for which he will be held ac­ countable at the bema seat. From the parable therefore we ought to take to heart the following suggestions: Every Believer Is Talented vv. 14, 15 Not all have the same talents. Some of God’s servants shine more brilliantly than others. But every servant is given some talent. In the parable one was given five talents, another two, another one. A talent is anything whereby a person may glorify God. The gift may be influence, money, ability, intellect, mem­ ory, health, advantage, and so on. These Matt. 25:14, 15, 19-30 Pointers on the Lesson

this matter. Although Paul knew that the “ Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel” (1 Cor. 9:14), yet in order that God’s cause might not in any sense be brought into reproach he worked with his hands at tent-making in addition to his work as a minister of the gospel. There is no place for laziness among the people of God. Memory Verse: “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men” (Col. 3:23). Many times when the Lord Jesus wanted to teach His disciples a special lesson, He told a story that would make the meaning clear to them. One day the Saviour told about two stewards or chief servants in the home of a wealthy man. One steward was faithful and wise. His master went away and left the steward in charge of all his household. When the master returned and found that the steward had faithfully and wisely done his work, the master made him ruler over all that he had. The other servant or steward said to himself, “ My lord [master] delayeth his coming,” and then he commenced to beat the servants under him and waste his master’s goods and become drunk with wine. When the master returned at an hour when the steward was not expecting him, the master became exceedingly angry and beat the steward with many stripes. Paul said to the Christians in Co- losse, “And whatsoever ye do, do it 'Scripture Memorizing for Successful Soul-Winning” -—a great study by Dr. Oscar Lowry to assist you in witness­ ing for Christ. 10 lessons and memory cards . . . . . . . . . . $5 .0 0 ' o. I I A A H V Correspondence School m U U U I 820 N. La Salle St. Bible Institute Chicago 10, III. Helps for the Children Doing Our Work Well Luke 12:42-48

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