King's Business - 1951-07

Page From our Guest Book by the Mayor of Bethlehem :/>r. - # ’ & 4 t; ->PM^ 4- -r-'f'-V ^ ! ‘ ¿\JS’ J 'J>1J ■Ai .m i&*&i k;iIkigÇ *-!'■*''» r-4 UU.--1— A -4 A tA v 'A A >*r 'iA riftf jv U 1?>3Ù, $gfß I wv^ I ïji vi;¿ A -•>* |fe |§f^ • c4t-4' ?*»«•» 4 <* ■ -*4k> kt f e pllgl■yi { ¿.J J !, ' A L-* y A > iS .. ‘ 4:-«¿AA & v jAS !ijljj ¿ ÿ é i < :J- à ff, A ÌA i \ lllll J til— 4 ~j'" >-*'-'A' ■ | jl A* A i VJ L L>': 0 '^ ' ¡Sg » ^ 1 ¿jj $Â%£

■^—B t His Honor Issa Bandak, Mayor of Bethlehem, and Rev. Ralph E. Baney, Executive Director of “The Society of Christian Approach,” in the reception room of our Christian Approach Orphan Home as they are discussing the possibilities of expanding the Christian work of our Society in this area. His Honor Issa Bandak, beloved and most highly re­ spected Mayor of Bethlehem and U.N.O. delegate, has in every way possible befriended and assisted the endeavors of our Christian Approach ministry in the Jerusalem and Bethlehem areas. The following words are a literal translation of the sin­ cere comments of His Honor Mayor Bandak as they are

inscribed in our Orphan Home Guest Book. The original script is photographed above. “ I sincerely believe that everyone who inspects this flourishing institution under­ stands with his inner feelings the deepest meaning of innocent humanity, and I do not exaggerate when I repeat that every­ one who visits this Home leaves it with a better knowledge of the highest aims of humanity. “ I have seen order and discipline built on sociability and desire to do right', and I felt that the two hundred orphan girls and boys feel that they live in a continuous paradise and that they have found in this Home loving mothers and fathers whose hearts are full of mercy and compassion. “ I am greatly impressed with the efforts of Dr. Ralph Ë. Baney, with his zeal for the welfare of the orphans, the afflicted, the naked and the hungry. Such acts reveal the highest meaning of satisfaction and tran­ quility and spiritual joy to the inner soul of man. “I praise, with much satisfaction, the ef­ forts of Dr. Baney to whose personal dili­ gence all that I see in this Home is attrib­ uted. I also strongly commend the efforts and zeal manifested on the part of his as­ sistants and staff. I am fully convinced that by this loving care this group of children who are given nourishing food, beautiful and good clothing, their souls will be grafted with the holiest emblems of the most noble aims which each of them shall feel after they enter the career of life. Their hearts are a small throne to a living conscience that out-flows its light from Heaven.

A Bethlehem landmark . . . our Christian Home . . . 3 buildings and compound . . . some of our 218 Orphan Children . . . This is one phase of our Palestine Christian Approach ministry. W ON ’T YOU— Personally— your Sunday School Class— Church or Group of Friends, join hands with us in financially adopting, by your gift of only *10.00 per month, one of these Palestine Orphans ? A . I wish to become a Foster Parent of a Palestine Orphan (girl) or (boy). I will pay $10.00 per month for the support of this Orphan Child for.................................years ...................months. Enclosed is my first gift of $............................ Please send me a photograph and complete story of the child I will support. B. I cannot “adopt” a child, but I would like to help a Palestine Orphan with my enclosed gift of $................................... N a m e ...................................................................................................................................... . .................................... Address ................................................................................................................................................................................. City........................................................................................................... Zone................ State................................... Contributions are deductible from Income Tax


Issa Bandak, Mayor Bethlehem.”



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