STUDY ABROAD COURSE DISCIPLINE CHART This chart is meant to aid students and their advisors in identifying where different academic disciplines are offered on Webster study abroad programs. This chart is intended as a helpful tool, but as courses and schedules are subject to change from year to year, this should only be used as a general guide. This chart does not guarantee a campus or program will have specific courses at any point in time. It is only representative of courses that have been offered at some point in the past few years. For the most up-to-date information on study abroad course offerings, please contact your academic advisor and the Office of Study Abroad.
KEY GREEN indicates the major is offered in full.
BLUE indicates some classes in the major are offered. YELLOW indicates non-major classes are offered (1000 or 2000 level equivalents).
Academic Programs/Majors Accounting Acting Advertising and Marketing Communications Animation Art Art History Biology Business/ Business Administration Computer Science Creative Writing Criminology Cultural Anthropology Dance Digital Media
Economics Education
English/ Literature Entrepreneurship European Studies Exercise Science Film Studies Film, Television, and Video Production Finance French Games and Game Design German Global Journalism Graphic Design History Interactive Digital Media International Human Rights
International Relations International Studies Journalism
Legal Studies Management Mathematics Media Communications Migration and Refugee Studies Music Musical Theatre Photography Philosophy Political Science Psychology
Public Relations Religious Studies Scriptwriting Sociology Spanish
Speech Communication Studies Theatre Studies and Dramaturgy Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
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