ANSO 3100 Topics in Anthropology and Sociology (3) An advanced, in-depth analysis of issues and topics in anthropology and sociology. Topics vary by semester. May be repeated for credit if content differs. ANSO 3110 Advanced Topics in Archaeology (3) This advanced level course is designed to allow for focused study of special topics in archaeology. Topics may vary by semester. May be repeated for credit if content differs. ANSO 4110 Advanced Studies in Anthropology and Sociology (3) Designed for in-depth study of a specific area or issue in anthropology/ sociology. May be repeated for credit if content differs. An introductory course for non-art majors. Students examine a variety of visual forms, including art from the past and contemporary currents. Emphasis is on expanded awareness, enhanced understanding, and refined insight of creation influences and meanings in the visual arts. Students gain experience with active and responsive talking and writing about art. GCP Coding: (ARTS) (CRI) ARHS 1050 Art Appreciation (3) Surveys many of the dominant styles and theories of contemporary art. As there cannot be an accepted "received history" of the art of our own time, the content of the course will be organized along both a lineal and thematic approach, with special attention to the political and social constructs implicit in the creation of recent "avant-garde" art. Students will be introduced to the nature of the "art world," current trends in art, and the dialogues taking place both in and around its creation. GCP Coding: (ROC) (CRI) ARHS 2210 Intercultural History of Art (3) Covers the history of art and design from the prehistoric to the early twentieth century by looking at moments of intersection between cultures. Covers periods and styles of art history, while touching on techniques and mediums, and form and content, as an introduction to the principles of art history. Students learn about multiple cultures and how they develop through an examination of the artworks, objects, and artifacts of those cultures. Consider questions such as: how do artworks tell us about culture or engage with it? How are artworks ARHS 2200 Current Art (3)
developing their own research project. Prerequisite: BUSN 2750. BUSN 3100 Issues in Business (1–3) Analyzes current and significant issues in business. The course focuses on existing theories and practices, with emphasis given to energizing topics, problems, and possible solutions. Case studies are utilized in discussing each issue. May be repeated for credit if content differs. BUSN 3500 Business and Global Issues (1) The objective of this course is to connect business management to analyzing problems and situations considering a global perspective. It intends to demonstrate the importance of applying business competencies in dealing with global issues that affect the long-term viability of business such as global agreements, politics, geo- economics and culture. Prerequisites: ISTL 1000 or POLT 1050, and PHIL 2360 or PHIL 2110 or PHIL 2320. BUSN 3710 Entrepreneurial Financial Management (3) This course will focus on the process an entrepreneur goes through to produce, understand, interpret, and use basic financial information to start, manage, or grow their entrepreneurial organization. As an entrepreneur and small business owner, each decision you make has financial implications. Entrepreneurs must be able to generate and understand their financial information in order to evaluate their organization's financial performance, to communicate clearly with their employees, bankers, and stakeholders, as well as to incorporate financial information into their day-to- day operations and decision-making process. The course introduces a series of areas of management concern and the tools and techniques to analyze them and to make good decisions based on the analysis. The focus of the course is on recognizing the tools that are appropriate for each situation and on mastering the use of the tools for analytical purposes. Prerequisites: ACCT 2025, ECON 2000, BUSN 2750, MNGT 2100 and FINC 3210. BUSN 4110 Operations Management (3) BUSN 4500 Ethical Issues in Business (1) This course examines the foundations of moral reasoning and the analysis of ethical issues that arise in a wide range of contemporary business practices, both domestically and
created by culture and work to create it in turn? GCP Coding: (ROC) (WCOM) ARHS 2350 Introductory Topics in Art History (3) Introduces basic themes and topics in art history and criticism. Topics will include various approaches and issues relating to the study of art history, the curating and collecting of art, artists' biographies, introduction to art movement, and art in corporate settings. May be repeated for credit if content differs. Prerequisite: ARHS 2210. The "biology" of humans is a study of the organization of the human body, how it works, and what the human needs to stay alive and reproduce. Throughout the course, the focus is on various topics of interest to the college student: e.g., fitness, stress, current discoveries, AIDS. Intended for non- majors. Laboratory is included. Offered in the fall semester. GCP Coding: (PNW) (CRI) BIOL 1010 Human Biology (4) Introduces DNA, along with the structure and function of human chromosomes and how hereditary traits are passed on. Emphasis on new findings and technologies. Intended for non-majors. Laboratory included. Offered in the spring semester. GCP Coding: (PNW) (ETH) Excel spreadsheets applications used in business plans, analysis of financial statements, and other business applications. May be repeated for credit if content differs. BUSN 2750 Introduction to Statistics (3) Studies the logic of empirical research and statistical tools: correlational techniques, chi square, critical ration, "t" test, and analysis of variance. Prerequisite: MATH 1430 or equivalent. BIOL 1040 Human Genetics (3) BUSN 1000 Business Spreadsheets (1) BUSN 2825 Introduction to Research Design and Methods (3) This course will introduce students to the research design and methods of business and management research and also help them develop a research project. Students will learn about all stages of the scientific research process, from formulation of research questions to presentation of results. The course will cover both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Students will have the opportunity to put what they learn into practice by
equity in movements, and examples of movements (e.g., women's rights, civil rights) both here and in global context. GCP Coding: (SSHB) (OCOM) ANSO 2720 Introduction to Measurement and Statistics (3) Designed to aid the student in learning how to "make sense" of a body of numbers: how to summarize and extract information from numbers; how to detect, measure, and use relationships between variables; and how to use statistical aids to the decision-making process. Course covers descriptive statistics, correlation and regression, and inferential statistics such as the t-test and analysis of variance. GCP Coding: (QL) The course examines space as an object of social inquiry, paying attention to the cultural, political, and economic processes that transform space into meaningful place. Building upon this theoretical foundation, it explores some central themes and concerns in the study of urban spaces, in particular, the “city” as cultural construct, the “city” as the site and object of local and global social struggles, and the “city” as part of the cultural imagination of the social, inequality, justice, and the “good life.” The “city” is an object of contention, complexly entwined with class, gender, race, ethnicity, and the “market.” This course will equip students to understand, among other topics, the formations of ethnic and racialized “ghettos,” suburbanization, policing of space, global cities, and urban community politics. GCP Coding: (SSHB) (CRI) ANSO 2890 Health, Illness and Power (3) How are health and illness experienced across different social and cultural contexts? Do they mean the same things across different communities? This class examines how our understandings and experiences of health and illness are structured by factors such as access to care, social and cultural values, local and global knowledge, availability of medicines and distribution of resources. In particular, we look at how these experiences intersect with broader structures of power and inequality. Rather than approach health ANSO 2760 Urban Sociology (3) and illness as strictly biomedical constructs, we analyze how they are shaped by wider political, economic, cultural and moral considerations. GCP Coding: (PNW) (ETH)
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