PSYC 2750 Introduction to Measurement and Statistics (3) Designed to aid the student in learning how to “make sense” of a body of numbers; how to summarize and extract information from numbers; how to detect, measure, and use relationships between variables; and how to use statistical aids to the decision-making process. Course covers descriptive statistics, correlation and regression, and inferential statistics such as the t-test and analysis of variance. GCP Coding: (QL) PSYC 2825 Introduction to Research Methods (3) Research is at the heart of the behavioral and social sciences. This course will cover the basics of quantitative and qualitative research design. In addition, students will be provided with the means to critically analyze and assess the ethics of research findings. Lastly, students will be given the opportunity to create a research proposal. Prerequisite: PSYC 1100 or permission of the instructor. Psychology and Ethics is designed to introduce students to ethical sensitivity, reasoning, decision-making, motivation, and implementation within the discipline of psychology and related fields. The class will examine: historically why ethics are a foundational and necessary aspect of psychology and related professions; ethical guidelines and professional ethics code as they relate to various professional endeavors including research, therapy, consultation, and teaching; how to engage in ethical decision-making processes; and how to apply ethical guidelines to complex professional and global dilemmas. The purpose of this course is not to provide answers but assist students in learning how to come to ethical decisions and behaviors as well as identifying factors impacting ethical motivation and the implementation of decisions. Prerequisite: PSYC 1100 or permission of the instructor. PSYC 3025 Psychology and Ethics (2)
POLT 2610 Reading Course: Introductory (1–6) Content and methodology are at an introductory level. May be repeated for credit if content differs. Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor and filing of official form.
PSYC 2200 Child Psychology (3) Examines physical, emotional, cognitive, and social development of the child from conception to adolescence. The complex interaction between heredity and environment is considered. Emphasizes language development, achievement, personality, and gender behavior. Prerequisite: PSYC 1100 or permission of the instructor. Examines the physical, emotional, intellectual, and social changes of adolescence. Lectures and class discussions consider the characteristics and problems of contemporary adolescents and implications for emerging adulthood. Special issues such as addiction, adolescent-parent relationships, and achievement are considered. Prerequisite: PSYC 1100 or permission of the instructor. PSYC 2250 Adolescent Psychology (3) PSYC 2300 Lifespan Development (3) Studies the development of the individual from conception through adulthood. Examines intellectual, emotional, and social aspects of behavior in terms of the complex interaction of heredity and environment. Content includes the application of prominent theories of human development to the individual’s development over the life span. Reviews current research in critical areas of human behavior (e.g. attachment, aggression) and uses it to enhance the student’s understanding of the human developmental process. Examines the behavioral and social sciences theories of communication with an emphasis on interpersonal relationships. The course focuses on developing awareness of communication techniques and more accurate perception of self and others. Prerequisite: PSYC 1100 or permission of the instructor. PSYC 2700 Psychology and Women (3) Focuses on the psychological impact of being female and problems surrounding expectations through infancy, young adulthood, middle age, old age, and death. Explores scientific findings and sexist myths about PSYC 2450 Psychology of Interpersonal Communications (3) male and female differences, special dilemmas such as fear of achievement, aggression, and leadership, as well as traditional and nonsexist child rearing and other topics.
POLT 1080 Introduction to Comparative Politics (3)
This course is an introduction to the systematic and analytical study of states/societies in the world using the comparative method. Students learn to compare countries on such topics as state legitimacy and capacity, ethnic conflicts, political ideologies and institutions, economic poverty and development, political violence, the impact of globalization, and environmental problems. GCP Coding: (GLBL) (INTC) Introduces students to the basic principles of debate, emphasizing the development of research, critical thinking, and oral presentation skills. Students research one or more contemporary public policy issues and are expected to attend and participate in campus debates on those issues. The course is open to students of all majors. GCP Coding: (SSHB) (CRI) Interdisciplinary examination of women in the public sphere. Draws on studies in history, political science, sociology, and psychology in order to understand more fully the role of women in politics and society. POLT 1550 Introduction to Political Argumentation and Debate (3) (THAI, VIE) POLT 2060 Politics and Gender (3) POLT 2250 Politics in the Industrialized World (3) Examines the politics of those countries customarily considered part of the affluent north. Topics may include evolution of political party systems, the evolution of communist systems, environmental and peace movements, economic integration of countries, planning and market mechanisms, trade policies, ethnic conflicts, governmental influence in collective bargaining systems, the welfare state, and tax revolts. May be repeated for credit if content differs. POLT 2550 Politics of the Developing World (3) Focuses on how the majority of the world's people—those living in the poorest nations—are governed. Topics include colonialism and neocolonialism, tradition and modernity, dependency, and the nature of contemporary revolution in the Third World. May be repeated for credit if content differs.
POLT 3310 Conduct of Foreign Policy (3) Examines the techniques and
problems of foreign policy decision making in the contemporary nation- state system. Prerequisite: INTL 1050 or POLT 1050. POLT 4100 Advanced Studies in International Politics (3–4) Allows students to pursue advanced studies in international politics or one of its subfields. Specific subject matter varies from semester to semester. May be repeated for credit if content differs. Prerequisite: 6 credit hours of political science (international or comparative focus) or permission of the instructor. Provides students with a structure for discovering and developing the learning strategies and the time management techniques necessary for becoming self-directed learners. The course content is focused on developing new ways of analyzing, integrating, and applying learning strategies to various learning situations, and developing modes of communication and critical thinking that encourage lifelong learning. This course is not applicable to a major or minor in psychology. PSYC 1100 Introduction to Psychology (3) Introduces the breadth and diversity of contemporary psychology. Provides a foundation from which the student might progress to more advanced, specialized courses. PSYC 1000 Learning Strategies (1–3) Topics include learning, perception, biopsychological processes, childhood and development, adjustment and mental health, and social behavior. GCP Coding: (SSHB) (CRI) information for the field of psychology. Students are given guidance on how to search for and apply to graduate programs and internships, create personal statements, develop a résumé, and find jobs within the field of psychology. Designed to be taken in a student's freshman or sophomore year. Prerequisite: PSYC 1100 or permission of the instructor. PSYC 1800 Careers in Psychology (1) Provides students with career
PSYC 3125 Abnormal Psychology (3) Introduces the student to psychopathology. Includes a
consideration of factors (physiological, psychological, and sociocultural) that influence the development of mental disorders. Surveys the major diagnostic categories, including symptomatology, demographics, etiology, and treatment approaches. Prerequisite: PSYC 1100 or permission of the instructor.
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