VIC_HS_Summer 2022 12p - web

Ready to Connect Digital literacy workshops leave no one behind Residents in North Melbourne have been busy building their digital literacy skills through workshops provided by Housing Choices Australia. The COVID-19 pandemic forced many of us to go online to access critical services while Melbourne remained in lockdown. From online shopping and banking to telehealth appointments, many Melburnians started using the internet to access services they would have done in-person before. For older people with limited digital skills, the crisis was

a catalyst for change, forcing them to embrace the digital world or miss out on support they need. But those who didn’t already know how to get online, they were at risk of being left behind. This was the dilemma facing many Housing Choices Australia residents, but not for long. To combat digital exclusion, Housing Choices applied for one of the City of Melbourne’s Connected Communities Grants to deliver a series of digital literacy workshops for residents of our North Melbourne, Docklands and CBD properties.

needed to help bridge that digital skills gap.” “The Ready-to-Connect workshops provided participants with access to free digital literacy education, increasing their confidence, and improving their quality of life.” With most participants aged over 55, the workshops taught participants how to get the most out of their smartphones, including video-calling, taking photos, sending email and scanning COVID-19 check-in codes. Importantly, the workshops also taught residents how to avoid online scams. “Before the workshops, our residents were reluctant to use the internet due to concerns around security. People with low incomes are even more at risk if they fall victim to an online scam,” said Naomi. The residents, who largely live alone, also relished the opportunity to mingle with new people post-lockdowns, reducing social isolation.

Former Housing Choices Community Development

Officer, Naomi Board said the workshops helped people build skills that can change their lives. “We noticed that our residents would phone us with their building maintenance requests, despite our encouragement to submit them online for faster resolution,” said Naomi. ”We soon learned that many residents didn’t even have an email address, and realised we


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