Helene Berger

Nationally, as Chair of Jewish Education Service of North America (JESNA); Chair of the women’s department of the Council of Jewish Federations (CJF); and on the Board of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) for more than 35 years. In each of these roles, Helene was called upon to speak at numerous events and became known as an inspiring speaker.

While not abandoning her Jewish commitment or financial support, Helene began a new career as an author. When her husband, Ady, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, and began going down the traditional negative path, Helene understood that she had a role to play. All those years of working with people gave her skills that she could harness. Kind, supportive care became her mission. The result was astounding.

Instead of declining, Ady began to improve. In his sixth year of Alzheimer’s, he was able to do and say what was unthinkable in the early years. Close friends repeatedly asked, “Are you sure he has Alzheimer’s”? Many came to Helene for guidance and encouraged her to write a book about her journey. The result was CHOOSING JOY: ALZHEIMER’S: A Book of HOPE . Helene is excited to announce that the Audio edition of her five-star book is being launched Mid-January 2024

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