King's Business - 1927-01

January 1927

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


States, It was the greatest number ever, and for the sixth con­ secutive year established a new record for quantity. China buys 62 per cent of, the 8,000,000,000 cigarettes we export. Our mis­ sionaries find that the greatest stumbling block to natives is this kind of propaganda carried on among them by representatives of a reputed Christian land. ♦ * * * Robert E. Speer, at the conference on evangelism, Northfield, made a statement that we could desire emblazoned over the door of every Christian Church, “However great be our rightful emphasis on orthodoxy of thought, the deepest necessity is for orthodoxy of life.” It seems at times that some earnest defend­ ers of orthodoxy are inclined to forget that Christianity is not a cloak put on but a life put in. * * * * A recent visitor to China, reports the “Intelligent Chinese,” declares : “No* you missionaries did not shoot our people in Shanghai and other places, but you come here to tell us that ours are false religions and yet you bring your sacred book which you, yourselves, tell is a false book.” Again, an oriental is quoted as declaring: “You ask me to give up what I do believe and accept what you do not believe.” The missionary with ques­ tion marks in his mind, would do well to remain at home. * * * * “The young man who thinks he is a big gun will soon get fired,” says the Washington Star. Just another way of saying “He that exalteth himself shall be abased.” The benches of Pershing Square, Los Angeles, are filled with fellows who tried to tell the boss how to run his business. * * * * “We are living in the last stage in the history of a great religion,” says Dr. Slaten (Unitarian). “It is falling into decay and gradually* giving place to a new and vigorous successor. For a long time the two must run parallel.” Yes, one might fancy Cain making a similar statement in ages long ago, when that which some still delight to call “Modern” had its rise in the world. After all, there are but two religions in the world—God’s and man s—atonement and attainment. They have been running parallel for many a long century. Where is the evidence of the breaking down of our Lord’s promise concerning His Church : “The gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matt. 16:18). There are other changes which our readers will discover for themselves. The new editorial staff await with interest any comments subscribers may be led to make, and suggestions for the improvement of The King’s Business will be most gratefully received. KEITH L. BROOKS, Managing Editor.

"A college education never hurt anybody who was willing to learn something afterward.”—says the Boston Transcript. Over the Hope Street entrance of the Los Angeles City Library, are carved these words: “Wisdom is the ripest fruit of much con­ templation.” * * * * Dr. Campbell Morgan refers to the demand of the Liberals that we turn from creed and controversy back to Christ. “Yes,” he says, “but to what Christ?”'?' That indeed is the crux of the issue. * * * * “The modern home today is supplied with everything except the family,” says an Exchange. Yes—homes are getting to be mere “filling stations,”. * * * * Rabbi Wise says truly, “We seem to have lost every capacity for high resentment” Awful waves of crime and shocking vices, situations of indecency and vile lust, robberies and mur­ ders, but who cares? Is this not due to the change in man’s conception of God? Light Views of sin go with little thoughts of God. * * * * United States uses more opium per person than any other nation. The per capita consumption has increased five grains since the enactment of the Harrison Narcotic Act (1914). Our consumption of opium is sufficient to supply a million addicts with a grain a day, eight times as much as is usually administered by a physician. Narcotic Education Association booklet warns against the rapidly spreading dope evil among pupils of the schools, even in elementary grades. Many have fallen prey through the agency of peddlers who appoint students to work for them at good pay. ♦ * * * In 192S, 88,000,000,000 cigarettes were produced in the United Your Eye—For Ju st a M om en t—Please! The Editors invite your special attention to several new features of the King’s Business. We are especially desirous that our subscribers should make daily use of the Morning Devotional Readings by Wilfred M. Hopkins, author of the “The Tabernacle and its Teachings,” “Thoughts in His Presence,” and other devotional writings. These meditations have been prepared especially for The King’s Busi­ ness. Finest of the Wheat is a new department which we hope to make especially valuable to ministers and Bible students. It will be noted that we are making the Bible outlines available to all readers by printing in the Scripture texts. We a r e presenting an entirely n ew arrangement of the International Sunday School Lessons. We shall strive to make these helps as pointed and helpful as possible. We do not wish to encourage the users of these lessons in the habit of preparing (heir lessons without the use of a Bible. We are therefore ask­ ing that you open your Bible to the lesson text, and that you look up suggestive references supplied in the comment. Under the heading— Passages that Perplex —we will discuss portions of Scripture which commonly give difficulty. “In a multitude of counsel there is safety.” We will therefore wel­ come correspondence from readers who may from time to time throw some added light upon passages under discussion, and we hope to publish material which we feel will be of general interest

E are compelled to announce th e d iscon tinuance of th e serial story, “ Mark of th e Beast” , started som e m on th s ago by our predecessor, space n o t being available under our new plans. The story, in book form can be procured at our Book Room .

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