King's Business - 1927-01

January 1927


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

Finney on Masonry “T he C h a rac te r, C laim s an d P ractical W orkings of F reem asonry/* By E x -P res­ id en t C h arles G. Finney, of O berlin C ol­ lege. P resid en t F inney w as a “b rig h t Mason,** b u t left th e lodge w hen he b e­ cam e a C h ristian . T his b o o k has opened th e eyes of m ultitudes. 275 pages, *cloth, $ 1 .2 5 ; p a p er, 75c. Moody Church Testimonials T his valuable b ooklet c o n tain s th e brief testim onies as to organized secretism of n early all th e pasto rs, assistant p asto rs and p u lp it supplies of th e Moody C hurch, Chicago, d u rin g th e first fifty y e ars of its existence. 64 pages, 2 5 cents. National Christian Association 851 W . M adison S treet, C hicago, Illinois

Latent Possibilities “Stir up the gift of God which is in thee " i;,; (2 Tim. 1:6). H E R E is an expression alluding to the . stirring up of the fires on the temple altars. Kindle the dying embers of the gifts God has given you. Excite them by prayer and study. Take them out for exercise every day, with the single aim of glorifying the Giver. Keep your tools ready. God will find you work. Possibly Timothy’s work was lagging. Perhaps he was a bit blue over the perse­ cutions coming his way. Times of de­ spondency come to all God’s workers. Then they must be stirred up. God has left no person without a gift. There are latent possibilities in us all. The Church is languishing because she cannot command for Christ’s service the gifts of her members. Whatever your giftBteaching, preaching, work with chil­ dren or young people, personal wo r k , singing, playing, private counseling, tract distributing—stir it up. Let it not lie around unused or be misdirected. Alexander the Great, meeting a man who could throw peas through a small hole without once missing (because he had daily exercised his gift), ordered that he be given a suitable present—a big basket of peas. You may feel the service you can render small, but keep on exercising the gift and soon you’ll find yourself fitted of God for greater things. The Wrecking of Faith Y \ / E often hear it said in these days t h a t evolution or modernism is “destroying the faith” of hundreds of people. We read in Mt. 24:24 of false teachers of the last days who would de­ ceive the very elect “IF IT WERE POS­ SIBLE.” But IS IT possible? Accord­ ing to many plain statements concerning the “elect,” the truly regenerate, it would seem not. Are not some of our earnest defenders of the faith making it appear that faith is a natural endowment, or something children inherit from their parents? In the sense that young people pick up cer­ tain religious opinions from their elders, something is destroyed when liberalists seek to refute those positions. Mr. Mauro,: however, calls attention to the fact that true faith is a work of the Spirit of God in one who truly submits to the Gospel, and cannot be destroyed without implying failure on the part of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Phil. 1:6; Heb. 7:25; 1 Cor. 1 :8). “It is perfectly obvious,” says Mr. Mauro, “that where true faith does not exist it cannot be destroyed, for a man can’t be robbed of a thing he doesn’t possess.” He suggests (and I believe with good Scriptural warrant) that instead of fussing about the “loss of faith” of those who have never truly accepted Christ, and spending so much P a r i s h P a p e r s Any church, school---or class can IS publish a parish paper by using our co-operative plan. A parish paper fills empty pews, keeps community informed, speeds up church work.. Free Samples and Particulars. Our plan provides a paper for your church without cost to you. The National Religious Press Grand Rapids, Mich.

effort in refuting the objections of ration­ alism and science, we should get busy proclaiming with increasing emphasis the foundation facts of the Gospel, which is “the power of God unto salvation” (Rom. 1:16). It is certain that wé must exalt Christ more for thereby will true fáith be implanted, and such faith is indestructible. Divinity and Death 'T 'HE cross of Christ was surrounded . by jeering unbelievers. At the same time all nature became upset. Darkness settled down at noonday and there was a violent earthquake. In the midst of this scene Christ re­ ceived an unsolicited and impartial tes­ timony from one who by his education was naturally strongly prejudiced against Him. I am thinking of the centurion (Mk. 15:39). He had seen too much and he could not but cry out, “Truly this man was the Son of God.” The power of the cross had already been felt in another most unlikely quarter, the thief at Jesus’ side, who had cried out: .“Lord, remember me. It would seem to me that any man who studies the accounts of the crucifixion, must conclude, as did this centurion, that Jesus died not as ordinary men but only as one might who was mysteriously more and higher. This man said: “I have seen MEN die, but this is not man. He cannot be less than what He claimed, the Son of God.” And if He is the Son of God and died, why did He die? It could only be as the sinner’s Substitute. It was the death scene of transcendent love (Jn. 3: 16). Rousseau felt compelled to admit: “If the death óf Socrates was the death of a sage, the death of Jesus was that of a God.” (See Acts 20:28).

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