King's Business - 1927-01


January 1927

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

D a i l y R e a d i n g s

“Best” Books ForThePastor Books th a t every Preacher will appreciate The Fundamentals T his set of books co n tain s articles on th e g re a t fu n d a ­ m ental do ctrin es of th e C h ristian faith, w ritte n by the ablest Bible scholars a n d Bible teach ers of th e ,>vorld, and form s in itself a v eritab le lib ra ry of defense a g ain st th e false teach in g of th e p re se n t day. W rite to us fo r free b ooklet giving th eir h istory a n d coiitents. F o u r cloth bound volum es. $ 5 .0 0 p e r se t po stp aid How to Make The Church Go By William H. Leach From the point of v i e w Make Your Church Attractive By Charles H. Richards This book is alive with alert­ ness and movement. The points the author dis­ cusses afre organization, the preacher, music, the building, the service, the reading of Scripture. -'He gives sound ad­ vice on everything he touches upon. All along you feel that he is saying the right thing in the right way. Everything is helpful. Cloth $1.25 Five Hundred Ways to Help Your Church By T h ere sa H . W olcott " M O riginally a p p ea rin g in the..L adies' H om e Jo u rn al, th e c h ap ters of this book offer a w ealth of suggestions for wholgsonje e n tertainm en t, hints on. m aking th e in stru ctio n of y o u n g p eople in teresting, financial plans th a t include n e ith e r sale n o r b a rte r, and all so rts, of sensible w ays of e n co u rag in g the social, life of th e ch u rch . A b o o k fo r all ch u rp h w orkers. _______ ______, a„ C loth $ 2 .0 0 Holy Places and Precious Promises By L. R. Scarborough taken in this brilliant and orig­ inal book, the minister is an executive at the head of a large organization. The au­ thor has sought to lighten his burdens and aid him in the solution òf his p r o b l e m s , through .a common sense ap­ plication of the psychological principles which have proved so; helpful in the business field. A -Complete handbook of tested? and up-to-date methods of operating a Church' arid ad­ ministering a parish. Will be regarded as indispensable to the modern pastor. Cloth $1.50

should the chalice be offered—that were to spoil the gift—never­ theless^ weshall “in no wise’’ lose our reward. Nay, we shall be overpaid when He says to us : “Inasmuch âs ye hâve done it unto one of the least of thèse my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”

J anuary ¡19. "God so loved . . . . that he gave.’’—John 3:16

ALL true love finds its highest joy'in giving. There is some­ thing we call “love” which regards; its .object as a source of gratification, and “loves” ' for the resultant benefit. To some extent, no doubt, that feeling may be natural, arid right in its place, but it is not true love as God understands the term. True love lives, not for’itself, but-for the loved Ones; desires, nbt its own happiness, but theirs; and is never so exultant as when it is making sacrifices’that it may shower gifts .upon ‘their heads. Here, then, is the measure of the Father’s*love for man: He so loved that He gave His only begotten Son. But here also is the gauge of our love for God: what are we willing, nay desirous to give to Him? We sometimes sing: such a sentiment is eminently safe, since the whole realm of nature is not, and cannot be ours. But :are we in deadly earnest when we add: “Love- so amazing, -so' divine, 'Demands my life,’my soul, my all” ? What part of that .all .are we rendering; .what; part do we desire to render? Let a man find the answer to .these questions,’and he has discovered the real measure of his love for God, All professions Of,affection are1deceptive and valueless unless they are accompanied by the longing to do sacrifice. , i : H jH ■ • • H 11 ■ HHH - M J anuary 20. , . • "Get thee to -Zerephath."—1 Kings 17:9i;(See chap. 28:10). TRULY God’S ways“ are past finding out.” For three years Ahab had been hunting1 the earth to find Elij ah, that'he might /slay him, yet hunting'dn vainl-'Meanwhile-where was the prophet? He was at Zerephath, on the high road between" Samafia and Zidon, making himself conspicuous by working miracles. We fail to see the marvel o f this Until" we remember that Jezebel, Ahab’s wife, was a daughter of the King of Zidon. HOw many times during those years of search must Ahab and Jezebel -have swept in their chariots through the village of Zerephath and, there, almost within the reach1of their hands, was the man for whom they were seeking far and wide! Yet they saw him not, for JEHOVAH hid-him; they heard not of his presence or his wonderful works, fop the LORD closed their ears. We should certainly not have sent Elijah to Zerephath; “There, at any rate,” we should have csaid, “he is sure to be discovered.”- But when God hides His servants, whether it be from the evil designs of men, or from the fury of the great Accuser of the Brethren, they ape effectually hid. Whatever may be the danger of my earthly,position, I am secure,if He takes me beneath His protec­ tion; God’s power, the saints’ immunity, and the. enemy’s impotence were never demonstrated in a more striking manner than when Eliijah was bidden to go for refuge to Zerephath, of all places in the world. . .. “Were the’-whole realm of nature mine, ‘ That were an offering far too small” : “He shall hide me, safely hide me, ’Neath the shadow of His wings.”

What;Jesus Said Compiled by C.W. Lamed This book is altogether a most helpful a n d ' ..useful zone. In it, all the sayings of Jesus are classified and' topically a r­ ranged. This will be .found to demonstrate a coherence in the words' of our “Lord, such as not infrequently, 'is .quite over­ looked by the casual reader of the New Testament. The book may well help many a doubter into,an abiding faith; a t any rate that is what the gather­ ing of the material filling its pages did for the compiler. Cloth $1.75

In this volume Dr. Scarbor^ ough gives us his personal ex­ periences ift the Holy Land, w ith, vivid first-hand descrip­ tions of the land where Jesus lived and worked and died, he groups the precious promises which are associated with the sacred? places. The reader will .find.himself catching the au­ thor’s spiritual enthusiasm as he reviews the scenes dear to all Christian hearts, and hears again the Master’s words .of love and power. This is more than just another book of travel in the Holy Land. Cloth illustrated $1.60

Doran’s Ministers Manual

A S tudy an d P u lp it G uide fo r 1927 E dited by G. B. F. H allock, D.D.

A S ource Book of Inspiration T his out-of-the-ordinairy volum e has com e th ro u g h the exp erim en tal stag e an d is now a p e rm a n en t a n d valuable aid; to the busy p a sto r. It is extrem ely p ra ctic a l in th a t th e a rra n g em e n t follow s th e c alen d a r year, giving a se r­ m on outline, ch ild ren ’s serm on, no tes on th e Sunday school lesson, C h ristian E n d eav o r topics fo r each Sunday, an d m aterial fo r th e m id-w eek service. B lank p a g es a re interleaved for th e m in ister’s own co n trib u tio n to th e su b ­ ject, and th e re is a w eekly c alen d a r fo r n o tin g his en g ag e­ m ents. E ffective! U seful! P ra c tica l! C lo th $ 2 .0 0 If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D. If goods are to come by mail add 10% for postage.

J anuary 21. "Not rich toward God." Luke 12:21.

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

THE rich man’s sin was not his wealth but his poverty. There is no iniquity in having great possessions (any more than there is virtue in being poor) for “all things are ours”, and we have the right to the use of them, so far as they can be lawfully

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