Thinking Matters 2018

Inaugural Brew Day.

We hold a weekend Brew Day roughly half termly in which teams of pupils are responsible for their own 25 litre batch. An example of the chemistry discussed is below:

Remove pupils take part in experiments at the University of Bristol Taster Course. “Want to blow stuff up? Go to ChemSoc! Want to make gold coins? Go to ChemSoc! ChemSoc makes you rich (in happiness)” Egor, Year 10 ‘The Bristol trip was a fantastic opportunity to use advanced analytical techniques such as thin layer chromatography as well as infrared spectrometers which are not available to us in the school laboratory. I had a great time and particularly enjoyed meeting the postgraduates and hearing about their

Humulone is the most prevalent alpha acid in hops, found in the resin glands of the flowers. As these acids dissolve and

The practical experience involved in this traditional skill, combined with the academic insight, is beneficial to the well-rounded education that Dulwich College offers. This year we are also looking to develop the ‘young enterprising’ aspect. get heated in solution they isomerize into iso-alpha acids, which in turn are responsible for the bitter flavour in beer. The degree of isomerization that occurs is dependent on the length of time for which the hops are boiled. Longer boil times lead to more isomerization and thus more bitterness ‘BrewSoc opened doors to a new hobby, and a way to spend my future weekends.’ Adrian, Year 12

research. It opened my eyes to the opportunities available to chemists.’ Tom, Year 13

Apples sourced locally from The Orchard boarding house.

Now in its second year, the popular Brewery Society teaches pupils about the art of brewing beer. A weekly lecture series covers the history of brewing, the process in detail and the chemistry involved.

“I regularly attend BrewSoc; the experience has been intoxicatingly enjoyable and

informative.” Henry, Year 12

First batch bottled!


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