Thinking Matters 2018

The A level Plus programme is an exciting new ‘invention’, introduced in the past year, and one which offers a unique and inspiring opportunity to all Remove students: to explore more deeply the areas of academic subjects which they have chosen for their A levels, but which are not contained within their syllabi. Yet A level Plus is not simply divided into the same subjects as the A level timetable: the programme offers exciting, cross-curricular courses (of which students take two across the Remove year, consisting of three lessons a fortnight) which frequently straddle multiple subject areas in their explorations of knowledge, culture, knowledge and invention. The courses are unexamined, and their freedom from syllabi allows teachers’ personal subject enthusiasms and expertise to connect with students’ interests, stretching their intellectual horizons. ‘What really struck me about A level Plus - and something I wasn’t necessarily expecting - was how holistically helpful the courses can be. After spending a term learning about why we wage war, I was surprised at how often I found myself linking curricular work back to this new content, which gave extra clarity and understanding to all of my studies.’ Jacob, Year 13, War A LEVEL PLUS The courses are varied, both in terms of their subject matter but also their outcome; some culminate in essay responses, whilst others invite students to produce mechanical, technological or cultural

artefacts; all, though, are showcased in an evening in the Summer Term, in which each course opens its doors to parents, other students and staff, with students presenting inventions, artefacts, experiments and mini-lectures which demonstrate their intellectual journeys over the period of their courses. Here’s a taster sample of some of the courses on offer: Weizmann Safe-Cracking This exciting course invites students of Physics and Design Technology to design and build the ultimate safe - based on Physics puzzles - with student teams entering the Weizmann competition, an international contest in which UK student teams attempt to ‘crack’ each other’s safe by solving the puzzles, competing for the chance to represent the UK in annual finals at Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science.

The exciting Weizmann Safecracking A level Plus invites students of Physics and Design Technology to design and build the ultimate safe.


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