King's Business - 1930-08


T h é

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

August 1930

C^&fomiletical S~Celps — for (preachers and Ct5eachers

He Is Able Hebrews 7 :25 f. Able to save (Heb. 7:25). 2. Able to keep (Jude 24; 2 Tim. 1 :12). 3. Able to succor (Heb. 2:18). 4. Able to deliver (Dan. 3:17, 28, 29; 6: 20 - 22 ). 5. Able to establish (Rom. 16:25,R. V .). 6. Able to do exceeding abundantly (Eph. 3:20). 7. Able to make all grace abound—-to qualify and equip for service (2 Cor. 9:8). —/. A. H. —-o— The Lord’s Table It is a Symbolical Ordinance. 1. The bread, typical o f His broken body. 2. The wine, typical of His shed blood. As we partake we show our faith in His finished work. II. It is a Commemorative Ordinance. Matt. 26:26-29; Mk. 14:22-25 ; Lk. 22:14-20; 1 Cor. 10:16-22; 11:17-34. I. IV. It is a Perpetual Ordinance. “Do this”—“till he come.” 1. Look back to the cross. 2. Look up to the throne. 3. Look forward to His coming. ' —H. C. Fulton. — o — Giving “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). 1. God created to give (1 Cor. 3 :7). 2. God redeemed to give (John 10:11). 3. God delights to give (1 Tim. 6:17). 4. God loveth a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:7). 5. Give, and it shall be given unto you (Lk. 6:38), The man who marks from day to day In generous acts his radiant way, Treads the same path his Saviour trod, The path to glory and to God. —Life o f Faith. — o — Stand Fast 1. In the faith o f Christ (1 Cor. 16:13; Phil. 1:27; 2 Thess. 2:15). 2. In the liberty o f Christ (Gal. 5:1). 3. In the unity of Christ (Phil. 4:1). ■ , ■ ■—Grace and Truth. We do it in remembrance of Him—His person, His power, His love; but especially His sufferings and death. III. It is a Professional Ordinance. By it we testify t o : 1. Our faith in Him. 2. Our. hope through Him. 3. Our obedience to Him. 4. Our lqve and adoration for Him. 5. Our separation unto Him.

What Is Man?* “ What is man, that thou art mindful o f him, and the son o f man, that thou visitest him” (Psa. 8: 4) ? How large are we in reality? On an asteroid, giants as large as Mont Blanc; on the sun, small as ants; in the universe, invisible particles; under a microscope, with a magnifying power which gives an enlargement twenty thousand times that of the object, we should be nearly forty miles high. This conception does not sat­ isfy chemistry. In her sight we are solar systems revolving at enormous speed, nebulae composed of innumerable billions of atoms, and molecules endowed with marvelous and eternal energies, inces­ santly drawing together and separating. Each atom, each molecule is, perhaps, proportionately, as far from the next as Jupiter is from the earth. Of what size does an atom appear to an angel? Of what size do we appear to the God of Space, who sees each one of the innumer­ able atoms of which we are composed ? In any case, humanly speaking, we are im­ measurably great in His sight. Man is very small when compared with God; but when we take God’s thought about men, he is great, too. What is man ? 1. In Nature, man is an indestructible spirit; for he is created in the image of God (Gen. 1 :27; James 3 :9, R. V .). 2. In Sin, man is a dead sinner; for he is dead in trespasses and sins (Eph. 2: 1-5). 3. In Christ, man is a redeemed be­ liever; for he is liberated by His blood (Rev. 1:5, R. V .). 4. In God, man is a privileged child; for he possesses the nature and name of the Father (1 John 3:1-3). 5. In the Spirit, man is a communing saint; for the Spirit is the Element o f a holy life (Gal, 5:16, 22, 25). 6. In the Body, man is a united mem­ ber; for he is one with the Head and Body (1 Cor. 12:12, 13). 7. In the Glory, man will be a glorified being; for he will be like his Lord (1 John 3:2; Phil. 3:20, 21).

Peace as a River Isaiah 48:18

1. The Source of our Peace—God. 2. The Continuity of our Peace. A never-failing Source results in a never-failing supply. 3. The Development of our Peace. A river widens as it flows. 4. The Result of our Peace. Other lives are enriched. —An Institute Student. Go Ye “A s the Father hath sent me, even so send I you" (John 20:21).. Thé Lord Jesus Christ requires us to go, às He Went : 1. In the spirit of obedience. 2. In the spirit of dependence upon God. 3. In the spirit o f love, . ■ 4. In the spirit of self-sacrifice. 5. In the soirit of compassion. From Materialism to Spiritualism Robert Blatchrford is a portent o f the time. He dramatically embodies the tran­ sition from the Materialism of the nine­ teenth century to the Spiritualism of the twentieth. When, as editor o f the Clarion, he was a chief propagandist of Atheism in England, his creed ran thus:—“I deny the existence of a heavenly Father. I deny the efficacy of prayer. I deny the Providence o f God. I deny the truth of the Old Testament and the New Testa­ ment. I deny the truth of the Gospels. I do not believe that any miracle was ever performed. I do not believe that Christ Was divine. I am strongly disposed to be­ lieve that He never existed at all. I do hot believe there is any heaven, and I scorn the idea of hell. There is no such thing as sin. We deny every claim the Christians make, the new as well as the old.” But the facts o f Spiritualism stunned him, as they have myriads more, with the impact of a spirit-world. “All my life until the age of seventy,” he says, “ I was a convinced materialist. But I went to a medium.- The evidence I received that day was so startling, so overpowering, that at the end of ninety minutes. I came away convinced that I had been in com­ munication with my wife.” But he now stands fogged and bewil­ dered on the baffling confines o f a demon world. In December, 1928, he writes:— “That was about five years ago, and since then the old doubts have been stealing back to plague me. At the moment o f writing I am making efforts to discover definitely and surely whether or not the messages are genuine and are inspired by my wife. I do most hungrily and pas­ sionately want to- know .”-—The Dawn. — E. A. E.

♦From "Illustrated Bible Studies,’* by F. E. Marsh, 33 Algers Road, Loughton, Essex, England.

The Love of God John 3 :16 1. The Scope o f God’s Love—it encircles the whole world. 2. The Manifestation o f God’s Love—it makes the highest sacrifice that, is pos­ sible.- 3. - The Object o f God’s Love—salvation to all who believe. — H. D. P.

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