King's Business - 1930-08



T H E ; IC I N G ’ s'


August 1930

25-27. Golden Text, Prov. 18:24. Jona­ than loved David intensely. They made a covenant pledging loyalty to each .other. Jonathan risked his own life in an attempt to «help David. He did not forsake the palace and identify himself wholly with his loyal friend. He lost his life in one o f Saul’s battles. Did he go far enough in his separation from the popular crowd and identification with God’s man? Lesson 9. August 31. “Amos (A Herds­ man Called o f God to be a Prophet).” Amos 1:1; 7:10-15; 2:11, 12; 3:7, 8. Gol­ den Text, Isa. 6:8. Amos was a humble keeper o f sheep. By obeying the call of God he became one o f the great prophets. He had to defend himself against a priest, Amaziah, who slandered him to Jeroboam, king o f Israel. He became a very fear­ less messenger of Jehovah. Central truth —God finds His man for every emer­ gency, sometimes in the most unlikely places. Lesson 10. September 1. “Josiah (A Royal Reformer).” 2 Ki. 22:1, 2, 8; 23:1- 3, 21-25. Golden Text, Psa. 119:105. Jo- siah’s father and grandfather were wicked kings. From his early youth Josiah steered a straight course in the way o f Jehovah. He followed the wise counsel o f godly prophets and priests. He was exceedingly zealous for God. He cleansed the land of idolatry and restored the ancient worship of Jehovah. God testifies that there was none like him among the kings. Central lesson—true prosperity comes to a people when there is a right relation with God. Lesson 11. September 14. “Jeremiah (The Prophet of Individual Religion).” Jer. 1:4-10; 31:27-34. Golden Text, Rom. 14:12. From eternity God had selected Jeremiah for his prophetic task. When called, he accepted God’s commission. He gave an unpleasant message in the face of severest persecution. He endured faith­ fully, though he knew his message would not bring the peoplei to repentance. Through his tears he saw in the future a new day o f prosperity for Israel when God’s law would be written in their hearts.. Lesson 12. September 21. “Jonah (The Narrow Nationalist Rebuked).” Jonah 3: 1-5, 10; 4:1-11. Golden Text, Acts 10:34, 35. At the first call Jonah rebelled. After severe discipline he repented and accepted God’s second call to preach to Nineveh. His message of judgment brought the whole city to repentance. and the threatened judgment was averted by the mercy of God. Thereupon Jonah showed himself a petulant, miserable servant. Being severely rebuked, he did not seem to fully die to self. The lesson finishes with a striking contrast between God’s mercy and man’s bigotry and selfishness. * * * ,, G olden T ext I llustration Alb that I have taught o f art, every­ thing that I have written, every greatness that there has been in any thought of mine, whatever I have done in my life, has simply been due to the fact that when I was a child my mother daily read with me a part of the Bible and daily made me learn a part of it by heart.”— John Ruskin. — o — The Greatness of the God-Fearing ( Review Lesson ) Memory Verse. —“Teach me thy way, O Jehovah” (Psa. 86:11).


August 24.—“Jonathan and David.” Memory Verse: “A friend loveth at all times” (Prov. 17:17). These two were great in friendship. Who is our best Friend, and how may we show to others that we are His friends? • August 31.—“Amos (A Shepherd Who Became Great).” Memory Verse: “Man looketh on the outward appearance, but Jehovah looketh on the heart” (1 Sam. 16:7). Amos was a man of great vision and faith. September 7.—“Josiah’s Rare Find.” Memory Verse: “Thy word have I laid up in my heart, that I might not sin against thee” (Psa. 119:11). Josiah was great in faithfulness to God and His Word. September 14.—“Jeremiah, a Man who Would Not Give Up.” Memory Verse: “We must obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29). Jeremiah was great in loy­ alty, obedience and faith even in trial. September 21.—“Jonah, the Missionary.” Memory Verse: “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to the whole crea­ tion” (Mark 16:15). Jonah himself did not show any special greatness in his character, but the Book o f Jonah shows us the boundless love and mercy o f God to all the world. The peaceful path to everlasting life? Why should I lose the promised joys I seek, To feed on words my fellow mortals speak? Press on, my soul; the day is drawing near When thou thy gracious Master’s praise wilt hear; Let me have daily speech with Him, and then I shall not need the praise and smiles o f men: Till then I tread the pathway that He trod, And wait in patience for the praise of God. —William Wilemcm. —o— Prayerlessness “No time to pray!” Oh 1 who so fraught with earthly care As not to give to humble prayer — o — The Praise of Men The praise of men, why crave its faintest breath ? How can it help me in the hour of death? Or show me, in distracting days of strife, Some part of day? “No time to pray I idD to. Mid each day’s dangers what retreat More needful than the mercy-seat? Who need to pray? “No time to pray!” Must care or business’ urgent call So press it as to take it all, Each passing day ? What thought more drear Than that our God His face should hide, And say through all life’s swelling tide, “No time to hear!” —Presbyterian o f the South.

THREE GREAT FOUNDERS / A6RAHAN- Prevailing fiutk. 2 JACOB-Emptiedofsdf FilledwithGod s MOSES- O bedient-(K oseiv THREE GREAT lOoMEN- ♦.DEBORAH-Brave tioman Leader s RUTHr Steadfast Lwefyflanfai c HAMHA-True PrayerAnswered.


SAUL’ G od

Looks of hearts.



THREE GREAT SERVANTS 10JOSIAN *PleaseGodV Prosper 11 JEREMIAH*Personal Salvation. i 2 JONAH*G

/.O .H . S E P T 2 0 .

Approach.-^ Each one of the men and women whose lives we have been studying was great in some way. Let us see what is was.

July 6.—“Abraham, (A P i o n e e r of F a i t h ) . ” Memory verse: “By f a i t h Abraham, when he was called, obeyed” (Heb. 11:8). Abra­ ham, was great in faith and obedience. Tell s o m e o f his tests and the way in which he met them.

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. July 13.—“Jacob (A Selfish Man Transformed).” Mem­ ory Verse: “For what shall a man be profited, if he shall gain the whole world and forfeit his life” (Matt. 16:26)? Jacob’s greatness was in understanding and appreciating the covenant o f God. July 20.—“M o s e s ( A Courageous Leader).” Memory Verse: “ Certainly I will be with thee” (Bx. 3:12). Moses was great because he was God’s friend; he chose to obey God rather than to have his own way. July 27.—“D e b o r a h ( A B r a v e Woman).” Memory Verse: “If God is for us, who is against us” (Rom. 8:31)? Great in courage was Deborah 1 August 3.—“Naomi and Ruth.” Mem­ ory Verse: “Thy people shall be my peo­ ple, and thy God my God” (Ruth 1:16), Ruth was great because o f her love. August 10.—“H a n n a h ( A G o d l y M other)” Memory Verse: “And this is the boldness we have toward him, that, if we ask anything according to his will, he heareth us” (1 John 5:14). Hannah was great in motherliness. August 17.—“ Saul (A K i n g Who Failed).” Memory Verse: “To obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat o f rams” (1 Sam. 15:22). Saul was great in courage; but he made a failure o f his life because he disobeyed God.

A Wise Pastor I believe in putting good Chris­ tian literature in the homes. So I have spoken to some o f my people and they have decided to have your magazine. Here are the names and addresses. . . . Enclosed find check for the fif­ teen subscriptions. Thanking you fo r this wonderful opportunity and praying God’s blessing upon the work , I ¡remain . . . . . —From Kipton, Ohio.

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