King's Business - 1930-08

Help Us To Win Another 5,000 New Readers for “The King's Business” W e will gladly do OUR share in helping you, through the following Attractive, Money-sav­ ing Offers— never-to-be-forgotten opportunities for our old Friends and readers to add NEW ones to The King’s Business Family, and enjoy worth-while awards in return. • ] Four Profitable Ways OF INTRODUCING BIBLE LOVING FAMILIES to the Bible Family Magazine:

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Whole Year’s Subscrip­ tion to The King’s Busi­ ness— and a copy of the h i g h l y commended : “ Immanuel Hymnal.”

/ \ Three Months* NEW SubscriptsVI tions to The King’s Business, at 25$ each— and a FREE copy of JOB— Hated but Hedged. Messages of com fort for believers, by Rev. P. W . Philpott, intended es­ pecially for those who are undergoing trials seemingly, greater than they can bear. Originally delivered by the author to the congregation of the Church of the Open Door, they have already proven a source of sustaining helpfulness: THE ABOVE COMBINATION: $2.50 /\ Three Months* NEW subscrip- A l I tions to The King’s Business, v at 250 each— and a FREE copy of either one of the following books: LOOKING UNTO JESUS, by T. Mar­ shall Morsey. Cloth— (Original Price $1125). A most assuring book on the world’s need of Christ Himself, written at the request of the many whom Dean Morsey has led out of doubt to strong assuring faith in Christ. It is rich in suggestion for Christian workers who are facing the spiritual unrest of the times. WINNING THE CHILDREN FOR CHRIST, Edited by D. P. Thomson, M.A., Cloth— (Original Price $1.75) One of the most brilliant and pene trating studies of the religious ap proach to the child that has appear ed. The Glasgow Herald says: "W e cannot imagine a book more likely to inspire and aid those engaged in the task of Christianizing the world's youth than this volume.” THE ABOVE COMBINATION: li $5.00

This Hymnal is the work of à small group o f theologians and musicians who have felt that hymn-book mak­ ing has fallen into stereotyped ruts and that there is need of fresh and interesting material, both text and music. In order to obtain such ma­ terial, extensive research was made. As a result a large body o f new music of first-class quality has been incorporated into this book. Every fifth hymn-tune is new. Yet prac­ tically everything of value of the older and familiar hymn-tunes has been retained. One Year’s Subscription [new or re­ newal] and the Hymnal— both offered $ 2‘50 The Hymnal alone sells for $1.75, while T he K ing ’ s B usiness yearly subscription is $1.25. An Outright Saving of 50c From. Akron, Ohio: “ Enclosed find twenty new subscrip­ tions: This makes 40 subscribers 1 have secured for your valuable paper thus far — and am working on my last ten to make it fifty new subscriptions.” From Oregon: “ The King’s Business is indispensable to me and I wish .it could be placed in every home.” A university graduate and an elder in a Presbyterian Church said: “ I get more help in the preparation of my Sunday School Lessons from The King’s Business than from all other mag­ azines and helps combined.” F o r

JESUS’ HABITS OF PRAYER, by S. D. Gordon. Another one of Mr. Gordon’s books on the vital sub­ ject of prayer—and Jesus’ depend­ ence upon it. Written with the clar­ ity and simplicity that marks all of the author’s heart-stirring writings. THE BIBLE AND SCIENCE, by I. R. Dean, M.A. A convincing book in which this pastor and Bible teacher shows how the inspiration of the Bible is proved by its wonderful harmony with the established ' facts o f science of the present day. All for $1 .00 The books alone sell for 25 cents each, while single copies of T he K ing ’ s B usiness are 25 cents each. A Value Tha t Speaks for Itself A Pastor in Pennsylvania sends this word of encouragement: “ I am enclosing money order for fifty- one subscriptions to The King’s Business. I am very glad to do this for The King’s Business as I think it is a very safe and helpful magazine. I feel tha£ by get­ ting the magazine into so many homes much good should result in the people who read, and also the Institute may be encouraged to get such a large list of new subscribers as practically all are new subscriptions. “ We wish for you the greatest success in the work of the Institute. In these days of modernistic tendencies we need

What Other Workers In The King’s Vineyard Say:

to encourage the institutions true.”


From A.M.C., Leesburg, Va.: ‘‘A wonderful paper. Find it very easy to get people to subscribe after showing them what a wonderful help it is to any Christian. I am sending in ten names now and will send in more.' I pray that you may be blessed greatly for sending out such a fine paper.” From Mount Airy, Maryland: “ A wonderful.spiritual guide to me in Sunday-school work, also food in home readings which I greatly enjoy.”

Start in Today Winning New Readers for the Helpful Counselor and Trustworthy Friend for Christian Homes THE KING’S BUSINESS, 536-558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California The Bible Family Magazine— Published by the Bible Institute of Los Angeles.

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