Japan’s domination in the Pacific during WWII
TIMELINE 1946 Jan 2 Herman Arrives at Indiantown Gap Unit A, Pennsylvania, and receives an honorable discharge
Sept 2 Formal Japanese surrender ceremony on board the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay as 1,000 carrier-based planes fly overhead; President Truman declares VJ Day Sept 3 The Japanese commander in the Philippines, Gen. Yamashita, surrenders to Gen. Wainwright at Baguio Sept 4 Japanese troops on Wake Island surrender Sept 5 British land in Singapore Sept 8 MacArthur enters Tokyo Sept 9 Japanese in Korea surrender Sept 9 Letter to brother Izzy Sept 13 Japanese in Burma surrender Herman Earns 3rd Battle Star - Southern Philippines. Oct 24 United Nations is born Nov 19Letter to brother Izzy Dec 3 Robbery at Shooster’s Gas Station in Chester, Pa.
and separation documents. Herman Shooster TEC -5 Grade 5 equivalent to modern Corporal
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