The Biography of Herman Shooster

Slow Mover Close-up

2009 42” x 36” Drawing by Stephen Shooster Colored Pencil, Ink, Metallic Inks, Watercolor paper

I would be driving down Main Street all heads turning, a fast mover... Roarrrr My buddies... they are saving me. Carrying me away from the enemy. Close call. Out of the cave. I hope they damaged those guys. Weak ... drifting... sleep. Safe for now. “Whew,” close call, re-group... Tired beyond tired.

Nursing me back still stuck in the valley. “Dorothy,” I call her name, “guide me.” His strength returns slowly, heart beating. Again fellow soldiers rescue him.

Drag him to a field hospital. More nurses, strength, sleep. Racing down Main Street in my fast mover... All heads turn.

He thinks, “They sent me back to a real hospital. Walls and toilets come into focus. I must be out of the valley. I see Dorothy - “Hi.” “Hi,” back... and kids...they get me up on my feet... so tired. They make me walk. Hand me a walker, and teeth, and hearing aids, and glass- es. I walk slowly, one step at a time, tired; sit, sleep, need help to move, anything. The sun rises... they hand me my teeth, hearing aids, glasses, breathing toy, every morning a routine, draw blood... And me, I got my Slow Mover ready for the day One step... another.

I got my Slow Mover, who needs a fast car. I got my Slow Mover... still... dad survived


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