The Biography of Herman Shooster


Family Killed in the Holocaust: Mirium Chomut Sarah Chomut Elek Chomut (male) (Sept, 1942) Bailon (female) - Married with 2 kids Yenta - cousin Benzy Shuster and Family Family Survived: Riva Chomut Schechman - Isreal 1930’s Nachamah Chomut - Isreal 1930’s Isaac Chomut-Emmett Rose Chomut-Emmett Luba (Laura) Chomut Oberlander Micheal Emmett Family Immigrated prior to War: Benjamin Baruch Chomut/Emmett (1905?)

As the war came to a conclusion, the discov- ery of death camps came to light. By the time the smoke cleared 6 million Jews killed, echos through time. Everyone was in denial at first. To ensure denial would not take a hold on history, our generals made sure that everyone nearby toured the camps, saw the dead bodies, helped clean up and document the findings. Mass murder on an industrial scale was something never before seen in world history. The term Holocaust did not appear until the 1950’s. The Jews refer to it, solomley, as The Shoah. Dora’s step-brother, Isaac Chomut (Isaac Emmett), was found alive in a displaced person’s camp along with his wife, Rose, and two children, Luba and Michael. Michael was born at the camp. Isaac’s testimony can be found in Yad Vashem. Luba (Laura Oberland- er) story is in a book called Brisko (2014). To gain American citizenship, my parents elected to sponsor Isaac and his family. Attached to the form was an audit of Frank Shooster & Sons (1946). The application was approved. Upon arrival, they stayed at Dora’s brother, Benjamin’s, until they could afford their own place.

Mary Shuster Lesnick (1905) Frank Shuster / Shooster (1908) Dora Chomut / Shooster (1910) Died prior to the war: Mikel and Devorah Chomut Unknown cause of Death: Baruch and Sara Shuster

The Chomut Family, Perle and Isaak, Riva and Nechuma emigrated to Israel before the war. grandparents Mikel and Devorah died before the war.


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