The Biography of Herman Shooster

Stateside Letters

June 23rd, 1943

Dear Iz and Silvia,

So far, I like the army very much the food is O.K., and the men are swell. I am all through my processing, and I’m ready to be shipped, when or where I don’t know. After I took the general classification test, I was inter - viewed. I got to talking with the interviewer and, although he isn’t supposed to give out the information, he told me I got a pretty good mark in my I.Q. - well above the aver- age. They don’t tell you into what branch of the army you will be sent, but I think I saw the fellow put down Medical Corps. I hope so. If I am here until Saturday, I may be able to get a weekend pass to come home. Yours, Herman

P.S. Don’t write yet.


June 23rd, 1943

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