The Biography of Herman Shooster

Letter - page 2 - Thursday, July 15, 1943 10:10 AM

to the Medical course of the A.S.T.P. I may be able to dig up some information that might escape your attention. Milton Zimbler has been shipped to Buck- ley Field, Denver, Colorado. He unfortunately just missed out on A.S.T.P.* as the quota for his contingent was filled shortly before his name was revealed; however he intends to re-apply shortly. Sylvia and I visited New York last Thurs- day I returned Sunday evening in time for work while she remained. I expect her home today. In the meantime I’ve been staying home. Last Wednesday night we attended the surprise wedding of Sgt. Herman Sachs to

Dear Herm,

We certainly were surprised to learn you had been shipped to Illinois, of course we had been expecting you to go, but those things still hold surprise for me. I’m glad to see that you are on the road to the realization of your plans in having made the Medical Corps even though for the present your duties may be menial. Remember to take it like a good fellow and keep playing. Keep me informed of your progress in every fact and detail pertaining to your care in regard


*A.S.T.P. = Army Specialized Training Program

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