The Biography of Herman Shooster

The Statute of Kalisz Examples: Any Jew may freely and securely walk or ride without any hindrance in our realm. They shall pay customary tolls just as other Chris- tians do, and nothing else. If any of the Christians rashly and presump- tuously jeers at their synagogues, such a Chris- tian shall be required to pay and must pay to our Palatine their guardian two talents of pepper as punishment. No Christian is to accuse a Jew of blood libel. Jews are allowed to purchase any items, as well as to touch bread and other food. Those rights were lost when Russia conquered the region. Jews captured by Russia became part of what became known as The Pale of Settlement (1791-1917). They were trapped. It has been described as an open pris- on thousands of miles wide. Under oppressive laws, Jews were not allowed to travel deeper into Russia, nor were they permitted to leave. Many decided to leave anyway. The borders were so vast that they simply walked across. Frank Shuster, a child, was one of them. He joined a mass exodus. It led to Bremen, Germany. Large ships stood ready to take the refugees to the shores of America.

Kohenim Symbol

For almost a thousand years, Jews settled all over Europe. Many ended up in the region stretching from Germany through Russia. They remained there long enough for a Jewish sect to form called the Ashkenazi and with it, a new language combining German, Polish, Russian, and Hebrew called Yiddish. My father’s primary language was Yiddish. He learned English in America but frequently inserted Yiddish phrases. To keep up with the news he read The Daily Forward, a Yiddish newspaper. This newspaper still exists today. The Jews are descended from the vari- ous tribes of Israel. There were twelve tribes. One of these tribes is called the Levites. When Moses ascended the mountain to receive the Ten Commandments eleven of the tribes built a golden calf to worship, something express- ly forbidden by the religion. One tribe refused to waver from their faith, the Levites, and because of this, they were thought to be more pious. From that point forward, the High Priests of Judaism were always chosen from the tribe of Levites. These priests were called Kohens, sometimes referred to as Cohens in America. My father and his father before him were all Kohens, making me and my male children Kohens as well. A Jewish community was established in Łutsk during the 6th century. One of those records stated a Jewish man leased the customs house that charged boats passing the bend in the river. Always considered outsiders, the Jews suffered in many ways; the worst were random pogroms (deadly riots).


Łutzk or Łuck (pronounced Woosk or Wook)

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