The Biography of Herman Shooster


1915, Frank and Dora Shooster were married in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. We do not have the marriage certificate. They set up house on Madison Street. A year later Isadore (Izzy) was born, then Harry (1917), and last Herman (1924). Dora Shooster - When I was at the hospi- tal after giving birth to Harry, I told a friend, ‘You must wait until feeding time because you never saw such a beautiful baby in your life.’ When the baby was brought to me, he looked completely changed. I was ashamed. Especially after the way I bragged about the beautiful baby I had. This baby didn’t look the same. I didn’t think they could give me the wrong one. My lady friend consoled me; Babies change from day to day, and that’s the way it is. The nurse ran over and told me; ‘I made a mistake. I brought you the wrong baby.’ I told Frank that after that if I ever have another baby, I’ll never have it in a hospital. My oldest son, Izzy was a little slow grow- ing up. He didn’t walk for two years. He was a little slow, but he came out ok. Harry was an excellent worker. Every- thing he could eat. We use to call him the little slob. Haha. Anything he could eat. Just got to give him a clean table and food. So, then they started to go to school. Izzy was a left-hander. In those years, they tried to get him to switch to his right hand. He was also a member of the safety patrol. Mr. Shaw, the principal of the school, loved him. Even so, he gets left back a grade. Oy! I thought this was the end of me. I asked Mr. Shaw what happened. Laughing, he said, ‘First of all, he is such a good safety guard that I wouldn’t want to change for another boy.’ I says, You never let me know on a paper he was failing. You never discussed leaving him back a grade with me. So, I’m very disap- pointed. I know a lot of left-handed people, and they get along just the same. He graduat- ed, thank G-d, he graduated in public school, and he goes to high school.

Harry and Izzy Shooster 1920

Izzy wearing his saftey patrol school outfit. Clothing by Frank Shooster


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