The Biography of Herman Shooster

Certificate of Death - Baby Shooster, May 30th 1921

He took me to the Chester hospital. The nurse was there, her name was Mrs. Smith. I told her, ‘Do not give me the third degree. Take me right to the delivery room.’ ‘No,’ she said, ‘It’s a holiday, and we’re too busy.’ There was an Oriental intern there, and he didn’t think I was quite ready. I remember pushing the button to get help later, and I remember being in the delivery room and hearing the doctor say, ‘Who shall we save, the mother or the child?’ I remember hearing them say, ‘Put ice in the baby’s mouth.’ The baby was born 10 lbs. I suffered terri- bly. I heard everything, but I couldn’t say anything. The process was too long with the delivery. While I was on the operating table, I heard my husband had called. He had a feel- ing I could be in the hospital. He came from Philadelphia that night. They told him, ‘Come right over. Your wife is very sick.’ We had to give the baby a name, ‘Isaac.’ We had to bury him like any grown-up person. Frank had to take him to the undertaker, buy a casket for him and bury him. I made a stone for him. He lays near his father now. I thought I would never have a baby again after that. But, something happened - another child, Herman.

HARRY GRADUATES HIGH SCHOOL Dora Shooster - Harry finished high school, and we couldn’t send him to college. So, he’s gonna go work at the gas stations. By this time we owned a gas station. He’s gonna work with his father. The principal came to me. I recognize him right away. He says, ‘I heard you’re not going to send Harry to college. Such a brilliant boy, he’s got golden hands.’ I says, ‘You know what I am. What should I do? Should I pawn my husband?’ I guess I didn’t have the money yet. It was before the stores, before this everything. So he said, ‘Always

think that Harry is a brilliant boy. When- ever you talk to him, remind him it is never too late.’ Harry never went to college. Thank G-d he worked very hard. He used to work in the automotive pit, grease the cars, and replace tires.”

Harry Shooster


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