‘What do you mean? What kind of new teeth. Why do I have to spend money?’ He got so much money already invested in teeth. He’s got a hundred sets of teeth, and I shouldn’t have two? So, the dentist comes here. He took an impression, and he made me teeth. I still got them. When he died, I called the dentist and said, ‘You remember all the thousands and thousands of dollars you took away from my husband to build teeth?’ He says, ‘Yeah.’ I said, ‘I’ll give them all back, and maybe you can make something out of it.’ A TESTAMENT TO FRANK SHOOSTER Dora Shooster - When Frank died, and we had a new Rabbi in Chester, Rabbi Grossman, and he didn’t get acquainted with all the people in Chester yet. But I want to bury him from the house. Frank’s only idea was to give me a beautiful home. So, I want- ed to bury him in that beautiful home. When the undertaker came and said, ‘What funeral parlor you have? This and this parlor he is going to be buried?’ So, I had him in the house. I wanted to bury him from this house. It was in March, and it was cool, it was still winter. This Rabbi Grossman came in to speak for Mr. Shooster, and he sees these two gentile men standing on the street of my yard. And he comes over to them and says, I’m Rabbi Grossman. I think I will speak to Mrs. Shooster alone. I am new here. I see you standing there. Do you have anything to tell me? I haven’t had a chance to meet Mrs. Shooster yet. It’s my first week in Chester. So, Casey speaks up, ‘Rabbi, you haven’t got enough words in you to express the goodness of Mr. Shooster’s heart.’ The other man says, ‘When I was laid off from the police force, I think it was 10 cents, gas already, I came over to Frank, and I say, I’m laid off from the police can you trust me for 5 dollars for gas?’ Frank asked me, ‘How come you’re laid off from the police?’ I told him, ‘Well they laid me off, and I don’t know what to do.’ He said, ‘You look around for a little grocery store, go ahead. Everybody has a little grocery store.’ I told him, ‘I haven’t got 2 pennies.’
Frank Shooster Sr. Candid photos
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