JB Hall Funeral Directors - Memorial Ceremonies


Interment of ashes An interment (burying below ground) of ashes service will typically take place after a cremation, with family and friends holding a memorial service in a suitable location and or a gathering at the interment location. The service can be led by a religious leader, humanist/celebrant, funeral conductor or someone close to the deceased. They can include eulogies, prayers, readings, and poems. Doves or butterflies can be released when the interment service is held outdoors. The ashes are usually placed inside an urn or casket, sealed, and then lowered into the ground. Depending on the site, some interments may not need an urn at all. In these scenarios, the ashes may be scattered into the plot. If the service is being held at a natural burial site, you will likely need a biodegradable urn. The most usual places for the burial of ashes are in small graves in cemeteries, added to existing graves in cemeteries/churchyards, crematoria gardens of remembrance, woodland burial grounds and in parish churchyards. Cemetery or churchyard You may wish to inter the ashes in a family burial plot, should you already have one. If you don’t have an existing plot, you’ll need to purchase an exclusive right of burial. This is typically purchased for a period of up to 99 years and will have certain conditions attached to it, depending on what type of grave it is. Natural burial ground Many natural burial grounds and woodland burial sites across the UK offer plots for the interment of ashes. If this is an option which you would like to explore, you will likely need to purchase a biodegradable urn.

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