SeneScenes USA (ENG)(SPAN) Feb, 2025




Beginning with the Royal rank, the court is designed to reflect the productivity of a Distributor's sales force. Distributors achieve these Royal titles, recognition, and jewelry for their hardwork and dedication.

ROYALS Distributor must have 300 PV in two consecutive months and have any five Distributors on the 1st level who place 300 PV in the same two consecutive months within a Seminar Year.

Ashley Chamberlain Jennifer Shannon Kayla Willemsen Ruth Gimenez Melissa Dawes Leanna Argenziano Abby Schmoldt Heather Marlatt Randee Mason Melanie Blumfelder

17,000+ 13,000+ 11,000+ 10,000+ 9,000+ 9,000+ 9,000+ 8,000+ 8,000+ 8,000+ 7,000+ 7,000+ 7,000+ 6,000+ 6,000+ 6,000+ 5,000+ 5,000+

Melissa Badour Charlene Pryor Melinda Morella-Olson Reagan Norwood Melissa Pechey Bev Barney Molly Salerno Deb Burrows Mernie Empalmado Patricia Doty

5,000+ 5,000+ 4,000+ 4,000+ 3,000+ 3,000+ 3,000+ 2,000+ 2,000+ 2,000+ 2,000+ 2,000+

Emily Roessner Ericha O'Keefe Shawna Atwell Amanda Jochum Kari Chrysty Toni Neary Jennifer Capps Marsha Heuer

Jennifer Slagle Mikal Norman

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