Wholesale Europe Seeds Catalogue 2021-2022

C A T H A R A N T H U S R O S E U S ( V I N C A )

C A T H A R A N T H U S R O S E U S ( V I N C A )

Elizandro Fiorese - Director of Agrofior Produção de Mudas Ltda, located in Colombo, Paraná, Brazil

We started growing Vinca Cora as soon as it was launched in Brazil. The emergence of Vinca Cora and later Vinca Cora XDR, was a major breakthrough within the flower varieties we work with, as we were able to have a quality product, and especially to have product availability at times we didn’t have before, due to the resistance to diseases. Cora XDR has a greater range of resistance to variations of Phytophthora, a pathogen that has always been a limiter in the production of Vinca in our region. Before, it was very difficult to serve our Vinca customers at certain periods of the year due to the high incidence of this fungus, which was difficult to control. After the launch of Vinca Cora and finally Cora XDR, this was overcome. In addition, this product has other qualities such as larger flowers, new colors, excellent germination and uniformity of plants. We are very pleased with this product and recommend it.

S E E D | A N N U A L S

S E E D | A N N U A L S



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