King's Business - 1918-11

R eally Remarkable R emarks SE LE C T ED S E N T E N C E S FROM M A N Y

You can’t be the salt of the earth without smarting someone. Many a preacher fails to strike fire because he has a cord of books in his head and an ice plant in his heart. The devil would rather put a long face on a saint than throw down a high church steeple. Fanaticism is a tornado of the flesh. The devil has to work hard for all he gets in the home of a praying mother. What a man earns in the daytime goes into his pocket, but what he spends in the evening goes into his character. The folks who never give away any milk until after they skim it are sure to want credit for cream. He who sits nearest the dust sits nearest heaven. Faith heals only because it brings us into union with His power; faith is the hand which receives the blessing. God does not withdraw His protec­ tion every time we forfeit it. Selfishness is that detestable vice which' no one will forgive in others, yet no one is without in himself. We ought to be thankful that when sin came into the world, God didn’t take the music out. Whatever makes men good Chris­ tians makes them good citizens. The highest return for doing any­ thing lies in the power one gains to do it better and to do more of it. Philosophy goes no farther than probability and in every assertion keeps a doubt in reserve. When God sends a man to the lion’s den, He goes there with him. Give the devil his choice between a man and a boy and he will always take a boy.

If you are “ in Christ” you are in the One under whose feet the devil is. Faith never comes to a wall too high for it to surmount. If you want God to honor you, get into the habit of taking Him at His Word. How many are trying to shine for Christ without burning for Him! Any coward can praise Christ, hut it takes a royal hero to follow him. He who thinks he is the happiest man, really is so; he who thinks him­ self the wisest, generally is a fool. Any man can commit a mistake, hut none but a fool will continue in it. The great man is he who does not lose his child’s heart. Waiting hours are seedtimes of blessing. Temptations are a file which rub off much of the rust of self-confidence. The devil often grinds the tools with which God works. The trouble with a little sin is that it won’t stay little. A sinner cannot look up, if he real­ izes his doom, and a saint cannot look down if he realizes his destiny. There is no failure more heart­ breaking and disastrous than success which leaves God out of the bargain. Nearly all the fools are self made. The man who will go out of his way to kick a dog, is not to he trusted any­ where. God never puts anybody in a place too small to grow in. The world despises a savorless Christian. Education is the development of power and not the accumulation of facts.

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