King's Business - 1918-11

Delivered FromPerils in Ckina Haw tke Lord Has Graciously Favored tke Work of Tke Bible Institute of Los Angeles in Hunan


to enter until after he had sent in his card and had obtained permission from the officers inside. These two recent cases illustrate the conditions in the province, and stir us to deepest grati­ tude and praise as we think of the wonderful fact that our sixty-five men have all been kept in safety although in, strange and widely separated districts, some of the parties being right in the hottest war centers and midway between North and South. A few of our men have suffered serious financial loss, while they have been out preach­ ing their homes have been looted and everything they had has either been stolen or destroyed. Only four of our 1 families have suffered ip this way, and we are taking steps to help thpm get a little start again. We have just heard of the family of one of our very best men, they have,lost everything except the clothing they have on. The mother and children have been living in one place for a couple of days and then in another place, wherever people will take them in and give them food. This man, Mr. Sie, is a member Of party No. 1, and I have written to the mis­ sionary of the field in which this party has been working, asking him to invest tigate the matter, and to see that their immediate needs are supplied. Mr. Sie is a member of that missionary’s church, and his home is in that field. There is a blessed side to all this sorrow, the people’s eyes are being opened as never before to the need in their own lives and in their national life that only the Gospel of Christ can supply. Mr. Horton writes me: “ The

The following interesting letter from Dr. Frank A. Keller, superintendent of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles in Hunan China and the colportage work there, has just been received: Deaf Friends: As I begin to write this report of the work my heart is full of gratitude to God. In spite of the terrible conditions in Hunan during the p&st months, God has graciously watched over our five par­ ties, not one of our sixty-five men has been seriously injured, the lives of all of them have been preserved, the work has suffered very little interruption, and stirring reports of interest in the Gos­ pel and of individuals and in several cases of whole families turning to the Lord come to us. Last Sunday Rev. Mr. Warren of the Wesleyan Methodist Mission, called me up on the ’phone and said: “ I have terriby sad news,” and then he went on to tell me of word just received from one of their stations sixty miles from here, where Northern soldiers had demanded entrance into their Chinese preacher’s house, shot the preacher twice in the leg, and ¡when he fled to an inner room they followed him and shot again this time striking him, in the neck and killing him instantly. Mr. Lingle of the Presbyterian Mission was in a couple of days ago and told me that one of their chapels, only ten miles from here had been comman­ deered by the Northern soldiers, they stabled their horses in the guest hall, and the guards at the door would not even permit the missionary in. charge

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