King's Business - 1918-11



there are times when God expects us to step in, but in such cases He always gives direct and definite leading. It is never right to do a, wrong thing in order to stop a wrong action on anoth­ er’s part. Ask the girls, “ Of two evils which should we choose?” The usual answer is, choose the less. God’s answer is choose neither. (Jas. 2:10) God never puts us in a position where we need choose one of two evils. He always has a third course which is right. We say that Rebekah’s apparent motive was love. Was it? Try sub­ stituting Rebekah’s name in the place of “ love” or “ charity” in 1 Cor. 13: 4-6. Was not: her real motive per­ sonal ambition? Was it not a desire for honor and glory for herself through her favorite child? If we must agree with the people who want to attribute Rebekah’s action to her love for Jacob, we insist on qualifying that love by calling in unscrupulous love, if there is such a thing. Through it she deceived her husband, put sin and temptation in the way of her favorite son, forced him into exile, made a murderer out of her other son (27:41; 1 Jno. 3:15) and blasted her own reputation as a mother in the eyes of men from that day to this. Love that is not based on prin­ ciple must ever thus result. Great as was the sin of Jacob and Rebekah, we cannot excuse Jacob alto­ gether. He was a man full growi^ and had doubtless been raised to know God, having therefore, a conscience keen to right and wrong. He undoubtedly knew of God’s promise concerning him (25:23) and this is the second time that he too has tried to step in and help God by committing sin. (25:31-33 and the lesson). How Satan must have chuckled to himself when he saw thè mother tempting the son. Jacob hes­ itated, but nevertheless listened and yielded. (27:11-17) Satan always comes subtly. We never can see what listening to his first whisperings is

going to mean. .Jacob listened to Satan through his mother’s suggestion. Look at what a criminal 4it made of him: A deceiver— he took his father’s goat meat in the place of venison (27: 9-19); a forger— he impersonated his Brother, 27:11, 16, 22, 23; a per­ jurer— he lied to his father, 27:19; a blasphemer— he lied about God, 27:20. A knock at the door a little sin, I open and all hell is in. Jacob Deceives His Father. Gen. 27: 18-29. Memory Verse. “ Speak ye truth each one with his neighbor.” Eph.' 4:25. Approach. Are you boys and girls pretty good at answering questions? Well then may be you can answer one for me, or it may be that no one in this class ever heard about BEGINNERS this thing I am going AND to ask you. Now lis- PRIMARY ten. Did you ever know anybody that did not tell the truth? What! Every one of you know somebody that tells things that are not true? If people who are living today tell stories, they are just like the people who lived a long time ago, and God knew just what people were when He said in the Bible, “ All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.’!;, Sometimes we can not tell when people ar^ telling us a story, but I know of one person who can always tell, and he even knows before you tell the story, for He can see right into our- hearts and minds. Who is it that knows when people are telling a story? Yes, it is Jesus, and O if we just knew how sorry He feels and how much it hurts Him when we do not speak the truth, I am sure we would never tell another story. Now let us see what He tells us to do in our mem­ ory verse. Prayer. Dear Jesus help us to lis­ ten to our Bible story and learn our memory verse.

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