Spotlight_Vol 23_Issue_3

“Everything fell into place in a way that it was almost like a movie. It was amazing. I didn’t know all the steps, but I’m not afraid to ask the questions,” said MacNeil. With a lengthy list of those small, random conversa - tions and questions that led to the opening of her store, MacNeil goes on to say, “Most of my professional ad - visors throughout all of this have been women, and absolutely stellar, incredible people. When you look at the list of people, I have that I can ask questions to, it’s pretty awesome. I feel really lucky in that regard as well.” The Corner Store by missbrenna is in a building with a long history. An absolute dream come true for Mac - Neil; she says she never thought about opening a store anywhere else. She grew up going to the convenience store that used to be there with her family and cous - ins. Her customers feel that same nostalgia when they walk in. It is a comforting place for MacNeil. A place for community connections, memories to be shared, and candy to be eaten. While choosing a name for the store, MacNeil con - sidered the local connection. It is located in the first community before you enter Inverness from the south side, called The Corner. Considering the community’s name and the fact it was a convenience/corner store for many years, with family input and local inspiration, MacNeil chose The Corner Store by missbrenna. This represents the place, the history, and her brand name all at once. MacNeil says community response to the name has been positive. For anyone who has been following the brand for a long time, they don’t just have one piece from the Love Cape Breton Collection. MacNeil introduces collections with limited quantities, limited colours, and new logos. The anticipation of when it will come out, what the new design will be, and when it will sell out keeps her loyal fanbase coming back for more. MacNeil finds inspira - tion for her designs from various aspects of Cape Bret - on Island itself. From walking along the beach to Celtic traditions and even drawing from phrases the locals use. She enjoys changing it up frequently, by ordering unique items including socks, hats, and windbreakers to name a few. Not knowing if, or when the product will be back again is part of her brand. MacNeil says she considers her customer base while placing orders. She tries to keep her clothing orders mostly with Nova Scotian companies and she is mind - ful of ordering high quality. “There’s a story that goes with each of these products” she explains. MacNeil supports local businesses as often as possible and is

grateful for the local support she has been given throughout her journey. MacNeil leaves the interview with a hint that miss - brenna fans have a new collection to look forward to in the upcoming future with a brand-new logo. But in the meantime, she is keeping busy with her store. She continues to support local artists and local busi - nesses by putting on workshops. She has rented out her kitchen to a local vendor who has helped more of her visions come to life. While there are mostly Nova Scotian-based products, MacNeil notes that there are also fine foods products from Quebec and Italy as well. Gathering rare items that may not otherwise be avail - able in Cape Breton gives The Corner Store by miss - brenna that extra hint of adventure within the comfort of The Corner. After living in Halifax for 25 years, Mac - Neil is happy to be home and giving her daughter the Island life, she grew up with. To keep up with Brenna MacNeil, her designs, and business events, make sure to follow her on social media. We also recommend that you stop by and say hello the next time you are making your way through Cape Breton, you’ll be happy that you did.





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