Spotlight_Vol 23_Issue_3

Barry and Prity serve mostly local, fresh food for break - fast every morning. “Everything is homecooked from scratch,” Driedger says. “Every meal we offer is of the highest quality and the freshest we can provide.” He goes on to say they don’t publish a breakfast menu. There are no specialty items to choose from. Driedger explains that the guests have their choice of what they wish to have for breakfast, and nothing is served out of a package, including the hollandaise sauce. Every guest gets a starter of fresh fruit, granola, and yogurt. Driedger says Prity does the meal prep in the morning and he does most of the cooking. He always has a wide variety of main courses to choose from and guests are welcome to eat breakfast at whatever time they choose before checkout. Although there isn’t an exact menu, there has been a fan favourite at Heritage Quay B&B. It is called Lobster Eggs Benny. Driedger describes the meal as, “your typical hollandaise sauce on lobster on a Belgian waffle.” He says when lobster is in season, about 60% of the guests want to try this for breakfast and it has been extremely successful.

“We’re fully accessible… We pride ourselves on that because most bed and breakfasts in Atlantic Canada don’t have that capability.”

Another unique feature of Heritage Quay Bed & Break - fast is that they have a liquor license. Guests of legal drinking age are welcome to hang out at the Bed & Breakfast and enjoy a cocktail on the deck if they so choose. Guests do not have to leave the property to enjoy a drink and relax knowing they are in a licensed establishment. Driedger explains that around 5 o’clock, they get together in the parlour and welcome any guests to join them. “Every guest is different,” Driedger says. “But if they’re interested in hearing a little about us, we’re always interested in hearing a little about them.” They have the parlor set up with reading mate - rials and seating for guests to enjoy at any time with or without an alcoholic beverage. Looking into the future, Driedger says they would like to host more events at Heritage Quay Bed & Breakfast. “We would like to expand into doing more functions, especially in the spring and fall seasons. So, people can look forward to that.” Driedger said. While Heri - tage Quay Bed & Breakfast hasn’t had a full wedding on the premises, they’ve hosted several getting-ready parties for brides and bridesmaids. “We have connected with several people in the community including salons and estheticians to come here. We have great spaces for that” he explains. They have also hosted rehearsal dinner parties with charcuterie boards and snacks and champagne. “We are capable of doing more now that we’ve experienced a season of those events,” Driedger says eagerly. For now, Barry and Prity Driedger are looking forward to this summer in hopes to see more travellers stopping in. Whether you’re on the way through to Cape Breton, or you have reached your destination of Pictou, for one of the many events happening this summer, like the Pictou Lobster Carnival, the Pictou 150, or the Hector 250 cel - ebrations. Barry and Prity Driedger will be anticipating your arrival at Heritage Quay Bed & Breakfast. To see the beautiful property before your stay, be sure to check out their website and book your reservations in advance.

“Everything is homecooked from scratch… Every meal we offer is of the highest quality and the freshest we can provide.”

“We would like to expand into doing more functions, especially in the spring and fall seasons. So, people can look forward to that.”





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