Spotlight_Vol 23_Issue_3

Within the past ten years of Dunphy owning Chowder House on Main, the small town has grown. “There’s something going on in every building on the street” she says. “You can walk the street and go in every door.” She describes Tatamagouche by saying “It has a happy vibe. It’s friendly, it’s fun, the people want to socialize and see what’s here.” From May until December, Chowder House on Main stays busy. The weekends are typically the time Dun - phy expects to see tourists at her restaurant. Tour - ists are drawn to Tatamagouche from Ski Wentworth being close by, many cottages in the area, and the Tatamagouche Farmer’s Market. During the winter, tourists travel from all over to ski and snowboard at Ski Wentworth, which is a short drive away. In the warmer months, tourists can rent a cottage in Tata - magouche to enjoy the beautiful sandy beaches of the Northumberland Shore and the warmest ocean water temperatures on the Atlantic coast north of Vir - ginia. Dunphy says during the week of any season, the restaurant’s sales depend heavily on the locals. She goes on to say that Chowder House on Main has a huge amount of community support and that she is extremely appreciative. When visiting Chowder House on Main, customers can expect friendly staff and a clean environment. Since the meals are made from scratch, it may take longer to cook than at your average fast-food fran - chise. But the quality of the meal is worth the wait. The ingredients are mainly sourced from Atlantic Canada, but they try to source local ingredients when they can. The Chowder House on Main is licensed to serve alcoholic beverages. They sell locally made Tatamagouche Brewery products as well as Mala - gash Cidery cider, and Nova Scotia-made Alexander Keith’s and Oland’s beer. This year during the off-sea - son, Dunphy took advantage of local musicians want - ing a place to play live music before their regular gigs. She explains that there are other restaurants in town that also host live music, so they chose Friday nights during the off-season.

“You can mix it up however you want. Our menu is just a suggestion.”

“The only reason we’re there is all thanks to the customers.”





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