College – Issue 43

Rheon Salt (Julius House 2018–2022) What have you most enjoyed about the Duke of Edinburgh Award programme at College? I gained my Gold Award in November 2022, nearing the

programme, I have many fond memories. My favourites include the opportunity to record many songs at a professional recording studio for uploading onto Spotify and Apple Music, as well as being given the chance to perform

live on many occasions, and attaining pretty cool awards, such as winning the Canterbury Rockquest competition in 2020, as well as the Geraldine Festival bands competition and taking home $5000 as a group.

end of Year 13 at College. I most enjoyed the cultural aspect of the award. I was assessed on drums through the rock band programme. Through that

Have there been any special Duke of Edinburgh Award highlights? A special highlight was my

Thinkers programme. Not only were the other participants and guest speakers extremely impactful and influential, but by

creating a business in a team of four and pitching that idea to judges, we took out 2nd place – a cool highlight of the award.

Residential Project in Palmerston North when attending the New Zealand Business Week Brave

Why is it important to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award programme?

I think it is important because of the exposure to such a wide range of areas, such as getting involved in productions, choirs, and learning an instrument. You also keep fit and progress in a chosen sport and support the community through voluntary work. You also learn skills on Adventurous

Journeys, such as pitching a tent, cooking in the forest, and orientation skills. You learn how to move out of your comfort zone on a Residential Project. All of this is extremely important as it develops a wide range of skills across so many different areas, therefore it impacts on and making a presentation to a large group. The award has also enhanced my time-management skills in order to complete the many components, as well as attending school and trying to squeeze in a social life. It can all get a bit full on, so you must focus on time management. Equally, I have become a better problem solver because of the many things

your personal development. The skills that I have learnt through completing the award have already helped me in many ways, such as job interviews, and moving into the halls of residence in Dunedin, and I am sure many more to come.

What key skills have you gained? The key skills that I have gained include leadership through my tramps when leading the group in such areas as map reading and through being a leader in teacher David Newton’s Eco- Action Nursery Trust tree planting

you encounter on Adventurous Journeys. Indeed, it has made me an overall better problem solver in all areas, and enhanced my critical thinking in academic subjects. Finally, many award areas involve working with others and communicating effectively to achieve those goals, which, in turn, have enhanced my communication and interpersonal skills.

group. I have also gained those skills when in Palmerston North for my business trip, having taken an integral role in my group



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