2024 Corporate Report

Introduction and overview

Working with our stakeholders


Government and industry


• Institutional and retail investor engagement; one-on-one meetings; twice-yearly surveys. • Results briefings (half and full year); Investor Day and AGM; quarterly traffic releases; Investor centre website. • Proxy adviser and ESG engagement.

• Official and regulator meetings; federal and state government and agency submissions. • Industry partnerships; memberships; and events. • Partnering on shared issues (for example, road safety). • Member of Parliament engagement on initiatives and grants; asset milestones; and events.

• Customer listening program; customer research; and customer panel. • Customer channels: apps; website; phone; social media; retail outlets. • Customer engagement campaigns; advertising; newsletters; social media.

• Government and industry relationships. • Climate including scope 3 and materials, customer emissions and sustainable driving and mobility. • Nature, biodiversity and ecological impact. • Customer safety and welfare. • Customer experience and satisfaction. • Community investment and partnerships.

• Relationships and positive partnerships. • Nature, biodiversity and ecological impacts. • Climate including: scope 3 and materials; customer emissions; and sustainable driving and mobility. • Customer experience and satisfaction.

• Customer experience and satisfaction. • Customer safety and welfare. • Cybersecurity and data privacy.

• Customer safety and welfare. • Giving back to the community.

• Relationships: continued participation in ESG benchmarks, industry forums and policy development on key topics. • Climate and nature, customer value and community investment: inclusion in investor updates throughout the year, and responses to ESG surveys.

• Relationships: progressed major infrastructure projects using innovation and operational excellence, while minimising disruption; engaged with governments and industry on future transport initiatives. • Climate resilience: renewable electricity; energy efficiency initiatives; sustainable construction initiatives. • Customer value: shared research insights on mobility trends and community sentiment. • Community investment portfolio including grants, partnerships and donations.

• Customer value: education on travel time savings and on avoiding fees and charges; and new asset technology to reduce congestion. • Cybersecurity and data privacy; ongoing scam education information. • Rewards and support: expanded Linkt Rewards; support for customers experiencing hardship.


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