2024 Corporate Report

Financial statements


Section A: Group financial statements Consolidated statement of comprehensive income Consolidated balance sheet Consolidated statement of changes in equity Consolidated statement of cash flows Section B: Notes to the Group financial statements Basis of preparation and significant changes B1 Corporate information B2 Summary of significant changes in the current reporting period



B3 Basis of preparation

Operating performance B4 Segment information

B7 Working capital

B5 Revenue

B6 Income tax

Security holder outcomes B8 Earnings per stapled security B9

Dividends/distributions and free cash

Capital and borrowings B10 Contributed equity Concession summary B15 Goodwill

B13 Borrowings

B14 Financial risk management and derivatives

B11 Reserves

B12 Net finance costs

B19 Other liabilities

B18 Construction obligation liability

B17 Maintenance provision

B16 Other intangible assets

Group structure B20 Material subsidiaries

B21 Changes in ownership interests in controlled subsidiaries

B22 Equity accounted investments

B23 Non-controlling interests

B24 Deed of cross and intra-group guarantees

Items not recognised B25 Contingencies

B26 Commitments

B27 Subsequent events

Other B28 Leases

B32 Parent entity disclosures

B29 Related party transactions

B30 Key management personnel compensation

B31 Remuneration of auditors

185 Section C: Transurban Holding Trust (THT) and Transurban International Limited (TIL) financial statements Consolidated statements of comprehensive income Consolidated balance sheets Consolidated statements of changes in equity Consolidated statements of cash flows 194 Section D: Notes to the THT and TIL financial statements 215 Section E: Consolidated entity disclosure statements 220 Section F: Signed reports Directors’ declaration Independent auditor’s report to the stapled security holders

Financial statements



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