2024 Corporate Report

Introduction and overview

About Transurban As one of the world’s leading road operators, everything we do works to get people where they want to go, as quickly and safely as possible – from designing and building new roads to researching new vehicle and road safety technology.

Recognitions and ratings • CDP (2023) Climate Change ‘Management’ A- score, leadership band • CDP (2023) Supplier Engagement Rating, A- score • Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark for Infrastructure (2023) 86/100, 3-star rating, a rating of A for Public Disclosure • Dow Jones Sustainability Index Top 10% rating in DJSI World Index, CSA score 66/100 • Infrastructure Sustainability (IS) and Envision major project ratings 9 rated projects to date and 4 project ratings underway • MSCI AAA ESG rating since 2019 • FTSE4Good Member of Index series, June 2024 • Workplace Gender Equality Agency (Australia) Employer of Choice Citation for Gender Equality since 2013 • Equileap Ranked the No.1 performing company for gender equality globally with a score of 80% • Sustainalytics 6.5 negligible ESG risk rating April 2024 3 • Support the Goals 5-star-rated company for action on the UN SDGs Reporting frameworks and memberships • GRI reporting since 2006 • United Nations Global Compact joined 2009 • DJSI reporting since 2010 • CDP reporting since 2019 • TCFD reporting since 2019 • SASB reporting since 2020 • Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) since 2020. First ASX20 company to have near-term 2030 scope 1, 2 and 3 targets validated • Business for Societal Impact (B4SI) joined 2022

We design and build our roads in ways that help minimise their environmental impact and we operate our roads using leading technology solutions that increase safety and improve travel efficiency. We’re also a member of our local communities. We build parks and bike paths, create new community facilities, and plant trees for wildlife habitats – helping people connect with each other and their neighbourhoods. Every road we build and operate is a long- term investment in a city’s future. The benefits our roads create go beyond travel-time savings, improved city connectivity and safer and more sustainable journeys. 2

We’re an Australian-headquartered company and we operate 22 roads in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, as well as in Greater Washington, United States and Montreal, Canada. We also have three major projects expected to open by 2026 1 – projects designed to improve connections within our cities and help people get where they need to be. We design our roads for the long term, ensuring they’ll deliver real and lasting benefits to cities and their communities. While our customers are thinking about getting home on time today, we’re thinking about how populations will get home on time 10 or 20 years in the future. We’re also a technology company – we research and develop innovative tolling and transport technology that makes travel easier for everyone.

Sir Leo Hielscher Bridges, Gateway Motorway, Brisbane

1 On a calendar year basis 2 O n average Transurban customers saved 29% GHG emissions by using Transurban roads in FY24 compared to the toll-free alternative route

3 In April 2024, Transurban received an ESG Risk Rating of 6.5 and was assessed by Morningstar Sustainalytics to be at Negligible risk of experiencing material financial impacts from ESG factors. Copyright ©2024 Sustainalytics, a Morningstar company. All rights reserved. This Corporate Report includes information and data provided by Sustainalytics and/or its content providers. Information provided by Sustainalytics is not directed to or intended for use or distribution to India-based clients or users and its distribution to Indian resident individuals or entities is not permitted. Morningstar/Sustainalytics accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the actions of third parties in this respect. Use of such data is subject to conditions available at https://www.sustainalytics.com/legal-disclaimers/


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