2024 Corporate Report

Financial statements

Section B: Notes to the Group financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2024

Section B: Notes to the Group financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2024


Revenue (continued)

Other revenue Other revenue includes management fee revenue, roaming fee revenue, advertising revenue and tolling services provided to third parties.

Other revenue accounting policies Revenue type

Accounting policy

Management fee, roaming fee and advertising revenue Tolling services provided to third parties

Management fee revenue, roaming fee revenue and advertising revenue is recognised at the point in time the service is provided.

Other revenue from tolling services provided to third parties is recognised over the period the service is provided.

B6 Income tax Income tax expense/(benefit)


2023 $M $M

Current tax Deferred tax





Under provision in prior years Income tax expense/(benefit)

7 3



Deferred income tax expense/(benefit) included in income tax benefit comprises: Increase in deferred tax assets


(88) (63)

Decrease in deferred tax liabilities

(121) (193)


Reconciliation of income tax expense/(benefit) to prima facie tax payable


2023 $M $M

Profit before income tax

379 114

66 20

Tax at the Australian tax rate of 30% (2023: 30%)

Tax effect of amounts which are not deductible/(taxable) in calculating taxable income: Trust income not subject to tax 1



Equity accounted results Non-assessable interest





Non-deductible depreciation Under provision in prior years

7 7

7 6

Tax effect on disposal of controlling interest in A25


Sundry items

5 3



Tax expense/(benefit) relating to items of other comprehensive income and equity Cash flow hedges



Foreign currency translation



Cost of hedging



4 (118) 1. THT operates as a flow-through trust, and is not liable to pay tax. Security holders, therefore, pay tax on the distributions they receive from THT at their individual marginal tax rates. The Group is structured in this way because the initial heavy capital investment and associated debt funding required for infrastructure investments results in accounting losses being generated in the initial years which would otherwise prevent the Group from paying dividends. THT allows distributions to be made to security holders throughout the life of the assets. Current tax assets and liabilities As at 30 June 2024, the current tax liabilities of the Group relate to income tax payable for the Airport Motorway Pty Limited (AML) tax consolidated group and current tax assets of the Group relate to income tax receivable for Transurban Cardinal Holdings Ltd as a standalone entity.



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