2024 Corporate Report

Financial statements

Section D: Notes to the THT and TIL financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2024

Section D: Notes to the THT and TIL financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2024

Section D: Notes to the THT and TIL financial statements

Basis of preparation and significant changes D1

D2 Basis of preparation

Summary of significant changes in the current reporting period Operating performance D3 Segment information Security holder outcomes D6 Distributions Capital and borrowings D8 Reserves Concession summary D12 Other intangible assets

D4 Revenue

D5 Income tax

D7 Earnings per stapled security

D10 Borrowings

D11 Financial risk management and derivatives

D9 Net finance (costs)/income

D13 Other liabilities— concession liabilities

Group structure D14 Equity accounted investments

D16 Deed of cross and intra-group guarantees

D15 Non-controlling interests—other

Other D17

D18 Parent entity disclosures

Related party transactions

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